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Summary: Tom meets a succubus. Contains: Male & Female: pregnancy, belly/breast expansion; pregnancy transfer.

Note: This is an old story that was booted from DA. Someone mentioned that they couldn't find it, so I'm reposting it here & on A03. I honestly don't remember what it's about and don't have time to read it, so apologies for the inadequate summary.


Tina was a plain and petite eighteen-year-old with brown eyes to match her shoulder-length hair. Tom had always been drawn to her air of normalcy, her quiet neutrality, and the gentleness of the smile she offered him from the desk beside his in the classes they shared. They had only been dating a few days when she invited him back to her dorm. Things escalated quickly.

“Oh Tom,” Tina groaned, gripping his shirt and pulling him down against her.

It was the senior class' midday break, and the two had decided to skip lunch. It was as strange as it was thrilling. Tom had always seen Tina to be so innocent. He’d never imagined the two of them would be having sex so early on in their relationship.

“Harder – Tom – oh god,” Tina groaned as he lost control of himself, though she did not seem to mind. He collapsed down against her.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, blushing from his inexperience. He panted, “Next time-”

“There will be plenty of next times,” said Tina sensually, causing Tom to pull back just to marvel at her smile.

She gently urged him off her, and Tom moved aside, allowing Tina to get up. As she gathered up her clothes and started pulling them back on, Tom couldn’t help noticing that she looked different somehow. Her skirt seemed to fit her more tightly than before, and her usually flat chest looked fuller, almost enough to be cupped in the palms of his hands, the tight shirt she was wearing suddenly rendered immodest by her nipples protruding against the material.

Seemingly fuller hips gave Tina a feminine shape she had not had before. Her stomach protruded just the slightest. Even her hair looked a bit longer, her brown eyes brighter than ever.

“Aren’t you going to get ready?” Tina said playfully, and Tom suddenly became conscious that he was staring. “We have class in ten minutes.”

Tom lightly shook himself. “Right.” He got up and started getting dressed, confident that his imagination was getting the better of him.

From that day on, Tom and Tina’s relationship had taken a sharp turn from shy to sexual. Every day after school, Tina would drag Tom back to her dorm, push him down, and join him on the bed, her long legs – longer than he recalled – wrapping around him, as she fumbled to unzip his pants, and soon he was easing inside of her, encompassed in her warmth. She showered him with assurances of how wonderful he made her feel. And with each time he pumped into her, her eyes seemed to get wider, and brighter, her grin more satisfied, and yet more of her warmth seeming to wrap around him. As Tom released that day, Tina’s eyes seemed to flash, her legs holding him tighter, her stomach pressing into his, her chest rising as she inhaled, but not going down as she exhaled. Tom could hardly pay attention to any of it, his body releasing more seed than he even thought possible. He was adhered to her somehow, his body almost seeming to be pumped by her rather than him doing it himself.

After it was over, he could barely catch his breath. He rolled onto his back, and she rested her head on his shoulder, shifting in contentment as he continued to breathe. Tom’s eyes drifted over Tina. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but by then…he thought…she didn’t precisely resemble the girl she had been a week earlier. She had become a voluptuous woman with full hips, round breasts, and a plump backside. Her skin almost seemed to have a…purplish…hue, and her hair was darker, almost black, with purple undertones. Her eyes were nearly glowing. She was gorgeous.

“That was amazing,” said Tina, and as she got up, Tom couldn’t help noticing how rounded her belly had gotten, sticking out from her torso as though she was five months pregnant. “You’re amazing,” Tina added, leaning down to plant a kiss on his lips. She stiffened as her stomach growled, then asked, “Are you up for some dinner?”

Tom was.

Over the next few minutes, he watched Tina pull on her clothes with some difficulty. Her dress stretched tightly across her newfound curves and rounded belly. “Hm…” Tina mused as she surveyed herself. “This won’t do…” She ran her hands along her body, and was suddenly back to being the brown-haired, petite, curveless girl she had been originally - except for her belly, which remained quite large.

Tina frowned down at the mound. Her eyes glowed momentarily, then went back to their chocolate color. “There’s always a catch,” she muttered to herself.

Tom got the feeling that Tina’s words were not meant for him, so he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure what all this meant but strangely, he didn’t feel compelled to inquire. Getting up, he pulled on his own clothes, hastily jamming his feet into his pair of sneakers. He grabbed his jacket. “Ready?”

“Ready,” Tina echoed, as Tom wrapped his arm about her shoulders. The two exited the dorm and left campus by foot.

Tina wanted to try a new Asian restaurant across from campus. Tom was all too happy to indulge her. In fact, once there, he invited her to order whatever she wanted. And to his surprise, she did just that. She ordered more food than he thought she, let alone anyone else, could eat in one sitting. She must have gotten one of everything on the menu, and two of a few things as well.

When the food arrived, Tom could hardly focus on his own meal as the table was piled with Tina’s various dishes. He sat in silence as she started to shovel things into her mouth, at first with her fork and some air of modesty, but soon her impatience grew, as did her appetite. He watched her stuff fried rice, goey beef, and crispy shrimp into her mouth with her bare hands, filling her cheeks and gulping it down with impossible haste. He watched her neck contort and bulge as great lumps of stewed pork rolled down her throat and into her stomach. This isn’t possible, Tom thought in the back of his mind, but again, he became strangely unconcerned. The restaurant was mostly empty as it was rather early in the evening. Still, a few people stared, but Tina hardly seemed to mind.


A few nights later, the two were heading back to his dorm after a movie, but Tina could not seem to wait to be alone with him.

Tom struggled to stay focused as he parked his car in the dorm building’s parking garage while Tina’s hand slid onto his groin. Just as he finished parking and turned off the headlights, he felt Tina climb into his lap.

The interior of the garage was dark, illuminated only by a few faint lights coming from entries to staircases that had been left open several spots down. As Tina rode him, her hair changed, descending like curtains as it fell against her shoulders, her body heaving as she moved up and down. Her breasts pushed against her low neckline, seeming to be getting fuller, rounder – they had to be DDs by then. And as Tom held her hips, they seemed to plumpen out, his fingers spreading to accommodate their growing fullness, her round bottom pushing out and beginning to rub against the steering wheel.

Tina barely noticed. She groaned and ran her fingers through her hair, some beads of sweat forming on her brow. Tonight, her skin had become a pale blue, her lips navy, and eyes a burning hazel. Her belly made her look as though she was seven months pregnant.

Tom grunted as he felt himself grow larger somehow, longer, thicker, more of his member pushing into Tina, stretching her tighter, as she quavered and groaned.

What’s…happening… was all Tom could think.

“Yes…more…unghhhh…give me more!”

Tom’s face reddened. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He exploded inside her.

Tina’s body trembled, and legs tightening at his flanks as Tom’s seed flooded her. She moaned as her belly pulsed, then pushed outwards, swelling more and more as she thrashed and moaned in apparent euphoria. Soon the mound was pressing hard against his torso, and Tom just continued to come.

Were his eyes not cross, and his body stiff, he would have noticed the horns developing, slowly curling down from her hairline, coming to resemble those of a goat. Her skin became a darker blue, eyes turning orange, then red, then back to hazel.

Finally, it was over. Tina held onto his shoulders, her head hanging down as she caught her breath. Tom couldn’t help noticing how tight and uncomfortable her grip was. He could tell that Tina was stronger – it was possible her strength grew each time they had sex. He was making her stronger. The thought pleasured him in a strange and simplistic way.

Tina climbed back into her seat, her body now forced to accommodate her enlarged belly that looked due with child. Her breasts were perched atop it and nearly popping out of her shirt. Tina raised her hands before her face to marvel at her fingernails. They had lengthened by inches, now resembling claws that matched the navy hue of her lips.

Tina’s gaze shifted down to the intrusive presence of her belly and Tom saw the dissatisfaction in her expression. Slowly, her eyes drifted to him. The look of dissatisfaction was replaced by one of inspiration. She leaned over to Tom, sliding his shirt up his chest. Tom deeply breathed as her hot breath pressed against his skin there.

A dark blue tongue licked him slowly. Tom groaned in pleasure as his nipples hardened and his chest…tingled.


Within a few days, the two were inseparable, practically living together between their two dorms. At nights, when they made love – with increasing difficulty because of Tina’s swelling abdomen – she often leaned down and licked his…softening…chest. It was erotic and animalistic, and Tom couldn’t help enjoying it.

And in the mornings, before they departed for class together, Tina often took to playfully slapping his ass. Tom would wince, but he didn’t complain. He just found himself captivated by her mischievous smile.

Tina also began to do other…unusual…things when they were together – poking him, whacking him, squeezing him, and prodding him. Each part of his body seemed to get a unique treatment from her. And still, Tom did not mind.

Soon his chest felt fuller, and started to develop, to the point that it looked as though he had defined his pecs a bit – only, these were soft, and there was no evidence of muscle…just fat. Tom’s bottom also seemed to be getting slightly fuller. It seemed he was putting on weight in the most awkward of places. He took to wearing baggy clothes when he went out, and it seemed to sufficiently disguise his changes. On the occasions he tried to pull on something fitted, like a pair of jeans, Tom found himself struggling against hope to pull it over his unusual plumpening backside. He would observe himself in his full-length mirror, frowning at the way his body had begun to change.

Fortunately, in classes, everyone’s attention was usually on Tina. Though she always appeared in her petite brown-haired form when she left the dorm, her large and strange belly curiously remained present, now looking as though she was due with twins. No one could seem to comprehend how she had gone from slim to spherical in a matter of weeks, and most seemed too uneasy to address it. Tina held the side of her belly as she moved about, treating the mass more like a minor annoyance than anything else. When she could no longer squeeze into her desk with her girth, she had a chair provided for her by the school, which she turned sideways. She would grumpily plop down on it, and her belly, in turn, would perch down on her lap, looking harmless yet overwhelming, and seeming to grow just a little larger every day now.

Tom still found her gorgeous.

When they weren’t love-making, Tina would curl up beside him on his bed and lick his chest, and each time, this seemed to stir a stronger sensation, as he groaned, and grew aroused, his nipples becoming hard.

That night, as she licked him, his flesh seemed to burn on the inside, as it was overcome with a strange, overflowing warmth. Tom gasped as the pressure surged, and his pecks plumpened.

Tina grinned.

Another lick, and they pushed outwards, looking nothing like pecks anymore – too big, too round, and too fatty. They dropped slightly, and in the matter of those few seconds, had come to resemble breasts.

Feeling stunned and a bit panicked, Tom tried to get up, but Tina held him down by the wrists. Her skin had turned a pale purple again, her clothes straining as her curves swelled back into place. Her hips widened, thighs thickened, and breasts doubled, then quadrupled in size. They teared through her button-down shirt as Tina’s strength seemed to grow.

Her belly felt heavy against him, practically pinning him to the mattress. Tina as a whole had become so – large. She was taller than him by then, and though womanly, there was something overbearingly powerful about her presence that made Tom swallow.

“What’s happening to me?” he said weakly, his eyes darting back down to his bloating chest.

“Just relax,” Tina urged him, shifting onto her knees to straddle his waist. She leaned down, her head to his, so her horns pressed against his temples. He was momentarily hypnotized by her beauty – her dark lips, and her glowing eyes. He shivered as Tina slid her hands along his sides, before they stopped at his waist. “Shhhh…” she urged.

Her hands clamped down on him, suddenly squeezing him, not in an embrace, just pressing hard into his sides until it became difficult for him to breathe. Tom grunted in discomfort, twisting and turning, trying to get out of her grip. She was going to break him! “Tina!” he groaned, as his sides were pushed in and compressed so tightly, he was in pain.

Tina pulled back, and Tom was left gasping for breath, his arms folded against himself. He moved his hands to his sides, anticipating bruising or swelling, but instead what they encountered was a – depression on either side of him, as though by force, Tina had made his waist narrower. His hands slid down to his hips, where a lot of the tissue seemed to have shifted. His hips had gotten considerably rounder, fat redistributed to alter the shape of his body. He had suddenly become quite – voluptuous.

Tom tried to climb up, and this time Tina allowed it. He hurried to his mirror and stared in horror at his feminine shape.

His panic flooded back, reaching entirely new levels. Jerking on a pair of sweats and a too-tight tank top, Tom headed for the dorm’s exit, only to find Tina standing there, blocking his way.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she said, walking towards him, and Tom could do little more than back away. Soon she had him backed into a wall, her round belly pressing hard into his torso.

Tom stood stiffly as she reached over to him with her clawed fingers and drew up his shirt. She glided her fingers across his chest fondly, before leaning down and kissing it. She licked each breast one more time, evoking more sensations of warmth and numbness.

“You belong to me,” Tina informed him. “Don’t forget it.”


Before the two departed the next day, Tina gave him one of her hard, frequent, ass-slaps. In result, Tom felt a tightness course through the mound. Originally, he had supposed this feeling was in result of the pain, but now he began to worry that the sensation was related to how round his backside had been getting lately.

In classes, he could hardly focus, his mind absolutely reeling. He sat hunched over in the baggiest sweatshirt and sweatpants he had been able to find as he tried his best not to meet anyone’s eyes. When the professor called on him, he didn’t even respond, just stared at his desk and hoped to be ignored.

From the corner of his eye, he spotted Tina throw him one of her winning smiles, but Tom did not respond to that either. To be honest, it just made him feel sick.

He didn’t know what to do at that point. His chest felt tight and hot in his clothes, a pulsing sensation flowing through each mound. Were they growing? The thought made his heart race. And he couldn’t stop thinking about how plump his bottom felt beneath him, and how his hips were now too wide for his chair and protruding out on either side of it. What was Tina doing to him?

After class, Tom tried to hurry off, but Tina seemed to appear out of nowhere. She caught his elbow and linked it with hers, the two of them becoming the picture of a functional couple. There was little he could do about it. Cry out? Beg for help as he was led along by the petite, pregnant-looking, brown-haired girl?

Tina led him all the way back to her dorm, humming pleasantly to herself all the while. She closed and locked the door behind them, then took to examining him while wearing a look that said, We have work to do.

She looked massive by then, her belly wider than she was. She looked as though she had a beach ball attached to her torso. With such a small and slim body, it seemed preposterous.

“What’s wrong Tom?” Tina said as she corned him again. Only recently she had begun to walk with a slight waddle. But Tina seemed to get by just fine. Once she had backed him into a wall, she began to all but tear his shirt apart, unraveling him to his chest, where she grinned at the mounds. Tom’s suspicions had been correct. They did look as though they had grown.

He cringed as she leaned down, but the sensation of her blue lips closing around his right nipple was too pleasant for him to hide. Tom sighed as his nipple distended in her mouth. As she sucked, he eyes grew wide, a surprised noise escaping his throat.

Tina sucked again, and his breast swelled in response, growing warm and plump and…heavy. It felt like it was becoming…filled with something. Tina pulled back to reveal that his breast had bloomed into a full D-cup, his pink nipple wiggling as it bobbed. Tom could only stare in morbid fascination. In the meantime, Tina moved on to his left breast.

Soon enough, both breasts matched in weight and roundness. Whereas they had been drooping initially, they now seemed to be getting rounder and fuller at that very moment. Tom grunted and cupped them. His nipples felt sore. There was a burning sensation. As he looked down he noticed that one had begun to drip. Something white. Milk? “Oh god,” he groaned, his cheeks hot.

“We’re not done yet,” said Tina in that silky voice of hers.

Tom yelped as Tina gave him an extremely hard slap to the ass. His pants tightened, sliding down somewhat as his ass bloated out behind him. With another one of her painful swats, he felt absolutely enormous. A glance behind him told him that his ass wasn’t even close to looking natural anymore. “Stop it,” he moaned, but Tina simply slapped him again. His eyes teared as he grabbed his bottom, feeling the fatty flesh push out, causing his fingers to sink into it. The stitching of his pants started to tear. He looked as though he had stuffed a pair of honeydews into the back of them.

Before Tom could regain some semblance of composure, Tina tipped his head upwards, and caught him in a deep kiss. For those moments, he was mesmerized. The world spun, and he was in love with her again, even as her wicked hands slid possessively over his body.

Tom stiffened as her claws sunk into his flesh. Strangely, it was less painful than it was uncomfortable. He tried to pull away, but somehow he couldn’t break the kiss. He felt his innards twisting, shifting, being…readjusted. He felt things retract, and others, bloom. Tom’s mind told him to get away, but his body refused to separate from Tina’s lips.

Finally, she broke the connection herself, and Tom hunched down, wrapping his arms around himself. He took inventory of his body, and could sense that something was terribly wrong. His hand slid to his groin. “What did you do!?” he said, his voice pained.

It was gone! His genitals were gone! In their place, an unpleasant opening had developed.

Tina was hardly paying attention to him anymore. She was busily massaging herself now – standing there fingering herself right in front of him! As she panted, and proceeded with her foul show of hedonism, Tom observed, that in her spandex skirt, something had begun to emerge from her vagina, slowly pushing out of it and contorting the fabric with its shape. Tom stared in shock as Tina continued to rub and massage herself, causing yet more of the protrusion to push out of her, allowing it to grow bigger and bigger, until it was painfully evident what it was. A large cock started to protrude out from Tina’s skirt, the organ hard and throbbing, and just getting larger. The more she rubbed, the longer and thicker it grew, Tom’s jaw hanging slack as it extended towards him. “What you should be asking...” Tina grunted, as she continued to tease and grow her member. “Is what did I give you.” Finally finished with her newest transformation, Tina abruptly kissed him, aggressively this time, her hands wrapping behind him to grip his round ass and then tearing apart the remnants of his sweatpants.

As Tom was pushed back into the wall, Tina drew his legs up. It felt terribly awkward with her large belly between them. Tom felt his newly formed vagina throb and drip between his legs. The lips tingled as though…in anticipation. “Oh…” Tom said in realization of what was about to transpire. “Tina—this is—nnggghhhhhh…”

Tina entered him, more and more of her massive organ easing inside until Tom was tight and aching, and sure he would break. She began to ease herself in and out, gently at first, then harder and faster, Tom bobbing and struggling to hold on. “I appreciate you…doing this for me,” Tina grunted out as she pumped harder. “…to be honest, I’m just not one for giving birth. Ohh…”

Tom groaned as she grew larger, so deep inside of him now, she had to be hitting his stomach. His body poured sweat, more of his juices seeping out of him and lubricating her member, just giving it better access. He gripped onto her shoulder for lack of having anything else to hold onto. And he couldn’t believe it, but it felt good.

“Errghh…ahhh…” Tina grunted. “Here we…goo…”

She released, pouring into him, filling him, Tom choking as his stomach tightened. She released more seed than he’d ever imagined a person could. The pressure in his stomach climbed and climbed until his belly had become rounded and was protruding from his torso, a small bloated mound. As Tom’s gaze shifted to Tina, he came to notice that her belly seemed to have gotten just a bit smaller. He panted as he tried to process what was happening.

But Tina was already back to pumping in and out of him in his dazed state. She gripped his ass to press him harder down on her cock, crude slapping sounds drifting through the air as his opening was stretched tightly to accommodate her incredible girth. Tom grunted as he was bounced up and down on her member. His browse furrowed when he sensed that she was about to peak.

“Next batch,” she breathed hotly in his ear, before letting out a hoarse groan and releasing her next load.

Tom couldn’t help moaning as his body climaxed and accepted whatever she was filling him with. His belly tightened more, pushing against hers as it went from looking six months with child, to seven, then eight, his face red and straining, body pouring sweat. Tom grunted and tensed before his belly button popped out, like an oven timer. He was dizzy by the time Tina’s surge ended, and he had come to resemble a woman due with child. He fell back into panting, breasts wiggling, and body sleek. He felt near delirious between euphoria and fatigue, but Tina wasn’t done. She tensed, and to his utter shock, she released again.

As Tina’s size slowly decreased, Tom swelled more, his body tightening, and bloating, more and more of her stomach’s contents blossoming in him. Soon he looked overdue with one child, then overdue with two, and still Tina poured into him. He grunted as he continued to swell, coming to resemble a woman who was overdue with triplets. He felt like he would burst!

“Errghhh,” Tina grunted as she finished up, Tom’s belly surging a final three inches before the release mercifully ended.

His breasts wobbled as he panted, his belly insanely round and body dripping sweat.

Tina was watching him closely, a dissatisfied frown on her face. Though she was still hard, she pulled out of him, Tom gasping and feeling cold and empty as she pulled them apart. His groin ached, and his legs trembled. Heavy as he felt, he could hardly stay upright. Instead he slid down the wall and to the ground, beneath his massive, throbbing belly.

Tina ignored him, instead looking down at herself with the same dissatisfied frown. Her belly had shrunken substantially, though it still resembled that of a woman’s who was eight months pregnant. “This is a problem…” she murmured to herself, running her clawed fingers along her abdomen.

Her glare shifted to Tom, as though he was at fault for her dilemma. She looked tempted to mount him again, and try to deposit her remaining young in his taut belly, but both of them knew that Tom could take on no more. He was overburdened as it was.

He sat there on the ground, perched on his round ass, plump hips flanking him, and fat breasts perched atop his belly. He clutched the fecund mass the dominated his torso, grunting in discomfort. He desperately rubbed at the mass of his belly, as though desperate to ease the pressure.

Tina just sighed and she looked back down at her own belly. It would seem that she needed another mate.

The End.