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Note: This is a story-prompt for D F.

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“Yeah, it’s my junior year,” Claire was saying to the young man who had just introduced himself. God, she wished Brad was here. “But I still feel so lost. I’m just like, panicking. I guess we’re all kind of like that,” she rambled. Claire couldn’t help joining in the guy’s tipsy giggles. “Oh, ‘scuse me for a sec. I think I see one of my friends.”

Claire extricated herself from where the drunk guy had cornered her by the drum set. Still lightly chuckling, she wandered towards her friend, Violet, who had arrived at the party under the arm of some meathead.

But as Claire shouldered her way through the crowd, she couldn’t help noticing that a lot of the woman seemed a little…different, oddly enough.

Like Claire, they had gotten curvier. Weird. Claire looked down at herself, the little dress she had on positively straining against her. Her breasts were practically spilling over the low V-neck, and she had to continually pull down the hem to keep her huge ass from popping free. Claire finally got over to Violet, where Claire found herself confronted with a rather bouncy greeting. Violet was quite tall, so whenever Claire found herself facing her, she only came as high as Violet’s chest.

That evening, Violet was wearing a loose shirt, but the curves of her chest were definitely more prominent than usual, the thin cotton stretching against it. But then, the shirt loosened again as it flowed down the rest of Violet’s torso. It was certainly unexpected, and Claire wasn’t sure what to think of it. How could so many of the women on campus have simultaneously experienced this level of growth? Claire just smiled and tried to brush it off.

“How did that Lit-test go?” she called to Violet over the music.

Violet rolled her eyes. “I don’t even want to think about it,” she murmured back as she took a sip from the plastic cup clutched in her hand. She shook back her long mane of wavy hair, her breasts moving somewhat with her movements, and Claire found herself entranced. Claire had long suspected that she was bi, and Violet’s recent changes were a sharp reminder. Claire could hardly tear her gaze away.

So she lingered there, spending most of the night chattering away with Violet, and the date, who was friendly if rather amused. They chattered, giggled, and gossiped into the early hours of the morning. Until things began to blur, but still felt pleasant and airy.


Claire awoke with a groan.

She found herself sprawled across the futon in one of the spare rooms. She felt drowsy, but otherwise fine. She’d only drank punch, after all.

Claire got up and stretched before walking into the living room. It was scattered with unconscious college students draped across the furniture, a few on the floor. Claire supposed she had been lucky to snag a bed.

Tiptoeing around people, she looked around for her jacket. It wasn’t particularly fitting or comfortable lately, but her keys would be in the pocket.

As Claire was passing by the bathroom, she noticed the door was partially open, and couldn’t help glancing inside. What she saw gave her pause.

In front of the bathroom mirror stood Violet, hunched down and gripping the sink, her face contorted in strain as she trembled and groaned.

She was dressed in just a bra and panties, and Claire could now see the way Violet’s breasts were overflowing the bra cups, now swollen and oversized for the straining lingerie. And oddly, Violet also had a small belly. Like Claire’s, the curve was a new one. Violet’s abdomen had been flat and lean in the crop tops she had been wearing just a week earlier.

Her face scrunching more, Violet released a long moan, and that’s when something truly bizarre occurred.

That small curve of her abdomen trembled and shuddered as it inched outward, swelling and expanding as Violet whined and arched. Claire stood there in stunned silence as she watched Violet’s belly push outward until the other girl looked as though she was five months pregnant.

Violet was left gasping for breath as she gripped the sink for support, belly puffing out and in with her heavy breathing. She still hadn’t noticed Claire staring at her. But then, she was decidedly distracted.

Claire felt her lips moving wordlessly. She didn’t understand what she had just seen as there was no way it was remotely possible…. And yet somehow Violet was experiencing some insane, accelerated pregnancy.

Claire didn’t know why, but she felt her body heating and her loins tingling. Something about Violet’s swelling body was just so…stimulating. Feeling a little breathless, Claire bit down on her bottom lip. Her hands slid to her own stomach, subconsciously cupping at the curve there.



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