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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Katy woke up, looked down at herself, and cursed.

Her fat breasts were still progressively growing, now GGG-cups on her chest, plump, and perfect, with no hint of sag. Though they could be awkward and heavy at times, Katy found that she still adored them, outlandishly large as they looked on her petite body.

What irked Katy were her thick, long nipples. They resembled pink fingers, hanging down from her puffed areola with a slight curve. Her nipples were thickest at the base, tapering somewhat as they continued. It was both disgusting and arousing, and often, she was afraid to touch them.

Katy had been unable to contact the old woman who had sold her the potion—or even the little magic shop where the woman worked. All that remained was a rundown building, looking as though it had been unoccupied for years.

“What the hell am I going to do?” Katy grumbled to herself, as she did every morning when she woke up to evidence of new growth.

A wave of heat flowed over her, causing her to groan and shiver. She ran her hand down her face, knowing what was coming. Her breasts tightened and firmed, nipples tingling. They progressively hardened and rose as she groaned and squirmed, until the left nipple began to exude droplets of milk. The right one gave a random spurt, before seeping freely onto her lap.

Katy climbed out of bed and staggered her way to the shower. Every step left her mounds jiggling as she grunted and arched, hips twitching with need. She scrambled under the cool flow of water where she shivered and tried to get control of herself.

When she finally stopped leaking, and her arousal subsided, Katy climbed out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her waist, but leaving her plump chest exposed.

She dried off with gentle pats of a second towel, before sitting on her bed, sucking in a deep breath, and proceeding with her weekday ritual.

Gingerly, Katy taped her nipples down against the expansive curve of the underside of each breast, shuddering, and groaning, but managing to not get erect. Her face was flushed red by the time she had finished concealing her nipples with several layers of body tape. She got dressed, and surveyed the results in her full-length mirror.

She had squeezed on a tight-fitting belly shirt, her large breasts looking absolutely delectable as they were cradled snugly in the cotton material. They were so round and full they did not necessitate the support of a bra.

Her nipples were completely concealed, her low neckline and bulging cleavage serving as ample distraction even if someone were to notice the thickening where her nipples laid against her flesh.

Her flat abdomen was on display. She had pulled on a pair of jeans micro-shorts that showed off her toned legs and several inches of her squat-plumped ass.

She went to college that day, her breasts bobbing gently on her otherwise slim body. She continued to enjoy the appreciative glances and shocked stares she received from the other students. Her body was practically perfect—notwithstanding the abnormality of her concealed nipples.

When she sat down towards the center of class, one of her acquaintances, Dean, plopped down beside her. He was muscled and attractive—a star of the school football team. He threw her a crooked smile, his eyes idly trailing her gorgeous body.

Katy smirked back at him encouragingly. She gave his knee a slight brush with hers.

What Katy hadn’t anticipated was, midway through lecture, when Dean reached down to rest his hand on her tan thigh.

Any other time, she would have been more than keen for the proposition. But just the sensation of his fingers stroking her thigh, cupping her hip, prodding into the leg of her shorts so close to her groin—it caused her to shudder, her arousal instantly surging to her breasts despite that Dean’s hands were nowhere near them.

Her back arched and she released a small whimper, a few students even sending concerned glances towards her.

And then it started. Her nipples began to thicken and harden, tape peeling away despite the meticulous care with which she had laid it down. Katy tried to get up, but found herself nearly incapacitated by arousal. Dean’s hand froze, as he, with others, stared, as her massive nipples progressively tented her shirt, to finally pop out beneath the hem, both wiggling and protruding as her breasts burst free of her clothing.

Katy tried to hold them down with her hands, but it was futile, and only served to make her body quake with unsolicited orgasm. Moaning and shaking, she attempted to hold her open textbook against her chest, but this was even worse, her sensitive nipples unwilling to tolerate the harsh texture of the crisp paper.

Now she was bare-chested and exposed, breasts tightening as her nipples tensed, shuddered, and grew more, drooping somewhat despite their painful arousal. Her loins were sopping. Her body fidgeted helplessly, but she couldn’t control it. “Ahhh…ngghhhhh…ohhh!” Milk sprayed against the two students in front of her.

The whole class sat in stunned silence, the professor’s jaw hanging slack, notes scattered on the floor. Katy had never been so humiliated in her life. She heaved herself up on weak legs, took a tentative step forward, then collapsed.




Really great arousal and humiliation bundle! I'd love to see where it goes from here.