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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ioew.

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Detective Sanders held her gun pointed downwards in both hands. She stood on the hay-strewn ground outside of the barn entrance. The sky was pitch black, and it was closer to morning than night, yet the property was filled with hushed movements; transactions that could not be conducted in the light of day.

Kate was investigating allegations of illegal experimentation going on at Roscow Farm. She suspected she would have all the evidence needed in just moments, and continued to eavesdrop on the conversation going on just beyond the doorframe.

There was a noise shuffling behind her, causing her to stiffen. Just before she could spin around, pain exploded in the back of her head. She swayed, and collapsed.


Kate came in and out of consciousness, everything hazy, figures blurry. She could not make out faces or expressions, and her wrists seemed to be…bound, where she lay supine, her arms at her sides. She saw the flash of a syringe and mumbled an indecipherable protest. There was a sharp pain, her eyes fluttered, and she was again submerged in blackness.


Kate awoke the next morning in her bed at home, and for a moment, blinked up at her ceiling. Her body felt achy, but no different than it usually did after a long shift. She looked down at herself, dressed in a nightgown and tucked in to the blankets.

That was the weirdest dream, she thought.

She ordered in breakfast, as she found that she couldn’t be bothered with cooking that morning. As she munched on the large pile of eggs, bacon, and sausage, she flipped through her case file for the farm. There seemed to be documents missing…or was she mistaken…had those documents ever really existed?

A flush of warmth came over her body from nowhere. She grunted, suddenly consumed with hunger even though she was already eating. Kate rapidly shoveled chunks of French toast into her mouth.


Over the next few days, Kate was feeling indulgent and lazy. She was lethargic and unmotivated, finding herself more inclined to eat and sleep than pursue her investigative duties. She thought, maybe all the overtime was finally catching up on her, because she found herself using up her large accumulation of sick time as an excuse to stay home.

All the down time was not reflecting well on her physique. In only a matter of days, Kate noticed that she was rapidly gaining weight. Most noticeably, her posterior had grown significantly plumper, her thighs thicker, and hips fuller. But most of the weight gain seemed concentrated to her ass, which could no longer negotiate the unyielding confines of her jeans and dress pants.

Admittedly, it looked sort of good on her physique, which had typically been bony. Soon her breasts well swelling from Bs, to Cs, then Ds, her bra cups far from being able to accommodate them anymore. The mounds absolutely surged, seeming a new size up every morning she confronted her bedroom mirror. Kate couldn’t deny how oddly perfect they were, round and full, large nipples bulging. She looked as though she had gotten work done, and to think, this was all natural.

Not possible, Kate thought, a chill running down her spine. It was all just too random, too coincidental. It was like her heated body was plowing through a strange, second puberty.

She went back to studying the last case she had been working on, but the file seemed even less substantial, were that even possible. Her informant was unreachable, and without him, she had absolutely nothing to charge the dubious business.

Her ass was now pumped out behind her, tautly stretching her largest leggings and sweatpants, to the point that her crack bulged over them, seams pulled to tearing. She was beginning to look like some deranged pop star who had gotten back-alley injections—and then some. Yet her ass was still smooth and soft, layered with plump fat, and it perkily bobbed behind her.

Kate was beginning to rapidly put on belly-weight as well. At first she had dismissed it as part of her generalized weight gain, but her abdomen was firmer and rounder than it should have been, and she was beginning to look pregnant. Her face was rounding, eyes somehow larger and more doleful than before. There was something intrinsically good about her transformation, as it left her warm and comfortable. And yet as she sat complacently in her house beneath the warmth of her tingling masses, she knew that this was verging on freakish, and quite definitively wrong.

I need to go back to the farm, she thought to herself, even as she examined herself one morning, gliding her fingers over her sensitive nipples till her plump thighs shuddered.

Her belly was a large, rounded mass by then, making her look as though she was overdue with child. It seemed to tighten with each of her meals, pushing, shifting, inching outwards in throbs of tension.

She was developing a rash on her pubic region, the skin flushed and hairless, smooth sleek, and getting quite puffy.

Her breasts were wobbling EE-cups by then, and at present, Kate was investigating a stinging sensation beneath them.

She lifted them carefully in the mirror, anticipating another rash to contend with. She gasped and drew back at what she saw instead, yelping as her EEs slapped back down on her ribs.

A second pair of nipples.

After that, Kate became numb.

She remained in denial for a while, and found herself refusing to explore her changing body. Heat surged within her, in pulses that grew in intensity, leaving her breathless, tight, and sweaty. Her transformation was rapidly exacerbating, yet she continued to ignore it.

Her pubic region was swelling, becoming a mound of its own until four nubs were developing, and pushing out further ever day like fat waving fingers. Her breasts were growing and growing, the lower ones shoving against the upper ones until she reached the point that they were heaving them up, and she was left with four fat mounds on her chest that she could no longer hide from. And yet she was numb, conflicted, uncertain. Her hips were wide and round, massive belly outgrowing her flanks and pinning her lap like a bolder.

“Mmmm…” Kate shifted on the couch, spreading her thighs as her individual mounds tightened with the latest surge. Her massive ass squished beneath her, a sort of platform on which she perched now. Her four breasts wiggled as she fidgeted and spread herself, trying to accommodate her expanding body.

She felt as though she was losing control, yet she remained passive, stagnant, and waiting. What for, she didn’t know.

In the meantime, she swelled.



Merci beaucoup, it was fantastic.


Udderly fantastic! A huge fan of the ass based growth. I think this concept has a lot of potential to to be a full length story. Hope to see more like this!