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Note: This is a story-prompt for Axium.

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Her belly was tight and lurching. Just the sound of Ted’s voice made it seize and tighten, her torso shuddering as she tried to gain control of—whatever was happening to her at that moment. Her tail flicked anxiously behind her as she released a groan.

“Mmmm…” She smoothed her hands against the apron, struggling to get her erect teats in check as her breasts heaved and the distended nubs wobbled in threat of popping out over the top of the apron. Her grotesquely-changed figure was almost fully exposed. “Ted,” she said, breathless and red. “G-go—”

Lila’s mother gave her a frightened and owlish look, before tentatively moving towards the door.

“Don’t—” Lila entreated, but by then her mother had already opened it.

“Ted,” said Lila’s mother. “What’s going—” She abruptly wailed and covered her eyes at the sight of what Ted had been valiantly trying to conceal with his hands. His monstrous horse-cock was stretching out his sweatpants, looking even longer and thicker than before. His arousal refused to obey his struggling fingers, instead jabbing out obscenely through the overtaxed cotton material. Lila could see that even his balls were bigger, swollen and plump, the overall sight of his package practically an assault to her family.

As Lila’s father stood in stunned silence, her mother hurried off, before returning shortly with another apron, this one frilly and pink.

“T-thanks,” Ted said as he tied the cotton fabric about his waist. It didn’t do much to conceal his gender, which remained unapologetically engorged and stiff. It did offer a layer to at least partially obscure the shape. Ted visibly shivered before lifting his gaze from his own body. “Lila, we need to talk.”

“No!” Lila struggled up to her feet, her body pulsing with need, her legs quavering, and her loins soaking. “Oh god,” she groaned as her abdomen lurched and tightened. She nearly toppled over.

She felt magnetized to Ted, practically salivating at the sight of him. The presence of her parents, however, helped her tamp down the waves of relentless need. So instead of throwing herself at her husband, Lila found herself staggering over to the bathroom.

Ted trailed after her, panting audibly, like an animal. Lila slammed the door in his face before she could stop herself.

“God this is so fucked up,” she whimpered, feebly reaching down to touch herself but finding it difficult to navigate her fingers around her newly developed mounds.

“I have to see you,” Ted said from the other side of the door, his voice pained. “I can’t—my body—I need you,” he groaned indignantly.

Lila shivered, and dragged herself to the tub, her eyes tearing by then. “Mmmmm…” Her ass felt warm and swollen, her loins trickling down in insides of her thighs. She felt as though she was in heat, yet somehow, despite it, she reached down and began to fill the tub with cold water. It was an in-ground fixture, resembling a very-small pool. Her parents had gotten it installed for her father’s physical therapy for his bad knee. Fortunately for Lila, her body would fit inside of it comfortably. At least for the time being.

“Lila, let me in,” Ted pleaded hoarsely.

Lila surveyed herself. She looked as though she was overdue with twins by then, and her body was continuously tightening, belly surging in tingling pressure that assaulted her in arbitrary waves. She moaned and hummed, clutching the side of her belly. Her nipple-teats resembled thick, wobbling pink fingers. They hardened steadily, pushing the material of the apron away from her. She shrugged the cloth off, and found her fingers gravitating towards the nubs.

She ghosted her lower right teat in morbid fascination, hissing as it twitched up and tightened. She arched and gingerly tugged it, by some strange instinct. She squealed as a spurt of milk sprayed against the bathroom wall.

She should have been disgusted, yet her hand continued to roam, exploring the thick padding of her breasts as it tightened and pumped. Her free hand meanwhile slid down to the firm udder bobbing between her thickened thighs. She cupped the hot, rubbery flesh, knowing that it, too, was bloated with milk.

“Oh god—Ted,” she sobbed, feeling dizzied by her throbbing arousal. She managed to lower herself into the tub, the cool water soothing her, if just briefly. But soon she was back to fidgeting and groaning, her legs spreading, clit plump, passage burning. “The door’s open!” she cried out against her better judgement, knowing that she intentionally failed to lock it.

There was only a brief pause, before the door opened, tentatively. Ted stood there, panting and flushed, his eyes dark with amorous desires. “You’re gorgeous,” he told her as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him, her parents’ frantic faces disappearing as he did.

“I need you,” Lila told him, tears pouring down her face.

Ted doffed his clothes then climbed into the tub behind her.


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