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Note: This is a male version of Piglets.

Summary: Aaron is impregnated with mutated pig sperm. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts (3 pairs), lactation, stuffing, animal pregnancy, animal characteristics/partial transformation, butt expansion, weight gain, birth.

Previous Chapter


When Aaron and Kim stumbled into class, there was not one person who wasn’t staring. And not at them. Just him.

And it had nothing to do with his disheveled state. It was his size. Aaron, for the life of him, couldn’t figure out how Kim had managed to make him forget about his overdue-with-twins-looking belly so quickly, because now it felt more evident than ever.

Aaron struggled into his stool. Sammy wore a faint smirk.

“You look like you had some fun,” she whispered.

Aaron didn’t understand how Sammy could still act as though all this was normal. Kim, too.

Aaron shrugged at Sammy. He was breathless and sweating through his clothes, making them stick to him even more, so that each of his mounds was more pronounced than ever, his belly perched in his lap, shelving his breasts up higher, and making the lower ones squeeze and ache unpleasantly. His back was tense and sore from its perpetually increasing workload. Aaron just focused on breathing.

He barely participated in class, just fidgeted throughout the day, letting Sammy do most of the work, and trying not to look as uncomfortable as he felt. His nipples were erect and aching from Kim’s ministrations. But not just his nipples. His breasts felt as though they were getting tighter throughout class. Aaron could feel Sammy throwing him side-glances every now and again.

Over the next few days, Aaron spent a lot of time in the mud bath, cooling his heated flesh. He took to massaging his body. It helped with the hotness and discomfort. His lower breasts were so sensitive, so desperate for attention. He could almost feel them plumpening against his palms.

His upper breasts were more bloated than ever before. He watched them rise and fall with his heavy breathing. They were unnaturally round, plump, full—he might have even called them gorgeous had they been attached to a woman. His nipples were bigger than any nipples he had ever seen, long, thick, and constantly tense with arousal. They poked out in his tops, and people definitely noticed.

Aaron’s lower two breasts almost seemed to be throbbing. They were uncomfortably squished, but also full and pressurized, small B-cups that they were. B-cups. God, they were growing. Growing fast. Trying to catch up with the ones on top. What would happen if they became visible?

Trying to shake these thoughts, Aaron stretched a massive tanktop over his bloated flesh, then pulled on a pair of basketball shorts, grunting as the material stretched over his erection. His body was so constantly aroused, it was hard to stand it.

He had been able to find nothing about his condition online or in the school library. It was a complete mystery, and things were getting desperate. Aaron was scared.

There was one resource he had yet to utilize. His roommate. Sammy was a biology genius. If anyone could help him, it would be her. And yet confiding in Sammy was the last thing Aaron wanted to do. He was scared to admit it aloud—whatever he was becoming.

Swallowing his nerves, Aaron headed out of the bathroom. The decision was made. He would force himself to speak up.

Unfortunately, as Aaron exited the room, he was assaulted with a familiar aroma. Butter, oil, goey fat.

Biology genius, and incredible chef.

“Aaron! You’re right on time. I made a fried turkey with a honey glaze—” Sammy gestured to a crisp 45-pound monstrosity. “—some oiled ricotta ravioli on the side—” a mountain of it. “—and your favorite.”  Cheesy mashed potatoes with extra butter. Of course, Sammy didn’t bother to get into all the other side-dishes overflowing the counter. There was quite the abundance, and the aroma was maddening.

“No,” Aaron declined for the first time. He tried to turn away but his stomach grumbled forcefully. “I don’t think…ohh…” Aaron groaned. His belly ached then tightened. He clutched it. This didn’t make sense.

“Are you sure?” said Sammy, with a touch of sadness.

Aaron’s stomach ached more. He held onto the wall, eyes squeezed shut in discomfort. The mound was practically pulsating by then. His body wanted it so bad, every morsel of fat he could cram inside of it. Aaron lifted his head, deeply breathing. He didn’t think he could resist. He couldn’t.

Aaron plowed through the food, chunk after chunk of crisp turkey jammed down his throat until all 45 pounds of it had him stuffed like a prize pig—but he didn’t stop there. Heavy and uncomfortable as he was, the potatoes were easier to get down, and didn’t necessitate chewing. He was presented with a hidden platter of barbeque ribs, meat sliding off the bones, and down his throat. Bowls of sting beans, corn, and steamed broccoli were next—everything seeming to be soaked in butter, seeping into his stomach, plumpening its contents directly. There were lots of soft foods—easily digestible foods. They slid down his throat as Aaron’s stomach gurgled in appreciation. Soon Aaron was gulping down the bowl of leftover honey glaze, and Sammy was still supplying him with more—several massive milkshakes, four loaves of garlic bread saturated in garlicy oil and mozzarella, then more milkshakes, followed by dessert—a 5-layer chocolate cheesecake. By then, Aaron had lost track of how much food he had forced down.

In the aftermath, he found himself sprawled on the couch, sweating, groaning, his belly feeling tight as a drum. The two inches of fat that had layered it were now stretched across it. “Ohhh…” Aaron moaned, Sammy hoovering over him, watching in fascination as his belly pushed forward. “Sammy…I…nggghhh…” Another two inches of growth followed, Aaron’s body flushed pink and gleaming with sweat, his belly slowly shifting out, causing his top to slide upwards.

Aaron’s breasts trembled, impossibly round and full, nipples bulging considerably, cleavage bubbling over his neckline until both upper breasts popped out, into the open, Aaron panting, twisting, grunting in discomfort. His aerola was puffy and pink, nipples only seeming to protrude more, and Sammy was strangely grabbing a notepad to scribble something down.

Aaron’s face was beet red. “No…no…nrrrgghh,” he groaned, as the pressure peaked, and his nipples stood straight out.

Sammy was suddenly splashed with milk, Aaron moaning as the fluid continued spray from his breasts, offering the relief he hadn’t known he had been so desperate for. He fell into pants and grunts as his belly continue to advance in small, episodic growth spurts. The milk spray turned into a gush that soaked through his clothes.



 Sammy was left gawking. She wiped some milk off her face, observing its thick and creamy consistency. It explained why Aaron had managed to hold it in for so long. The thickness allowed him to store it efficiently and limit waste to when he was absolutely overburdened, as he was now. Sammy watched Aaron grunt, gasp, and struggle beneath his condition for a little while longer before he passed out.

Sammy leaned closer, snapping her fingers in Aaron’s face. The boy seemed completely out of it.

Aaron looked overdue with triplets, if not larger. His large breasts had stopped leaking. Sammy surmised that Aaron’s breasts had expelled its surplus milk, and were now back to storing as much as they could. It was quite incredible.

The mounds had lifted forward towards Aaron’s face in his unconsciousness, and curiously, there was something protruding out just beneath them, still contained by Aaron’s tanktop. Sammy hesitated then carefully lifted the top of Aaron’s shirt to peer down into it.

She stared at what she saw. Blinked a few times.

Aaron had a second pair of breasts. A smaller pair—Bs or Cs. Perhaps closer to Cs. When had this occurred? And how? Sammy had missed this. This was a phenomenal oversight, and frankly, Sammy was stunned.

Aaron was transforming. Not only in pregnancy-related attributes, like belly expansion and breast growth—but he had actually transformed, developed an extra set of breasts no doubt to accommodate his soon-coming litter.

Besides that, there were other transformative aspects, such as the relentless hunger, the compulsive binge-eating, the unusually thick milk, and the thick layer of protective fat that had coated his belly—but none of these had been so severe as Aaron’s development of extra breasts. Aaron’s offspring were transforming him to accommodate them fully. This was a startling and incredible discovery, and Sammy wasn’t even certain where to categorize it.

Pulling out a pair of latex gloves, Sammy slid them on, and carefully did an exam of Aaron’s second pair of breasts. They were soft, tender, plump, and responsive, all things indicative of their ongoing growth. Besides that, they seemed fully functional.

Aaron groaned and shifted, his upper breasts bouncing downwards against the lower ones, and Sammy quickly withdrew her gloved hands. She hid them behind her back as Aaron opened his eyes.

“What happened?” he said groggily.

“I guess you dozed off,” Sammy said innocently, while trying to keep her face clear of the shock and amazement that had occupied it a moment before.

Aaron looked down at himself and bit his bottom lip. His breasts were out in the open, seeming even bigger now. His clothes were soaked. He had…lactated, hadn’t he? Deeply breathing, Aaron threw a glance up at Sammy, who was also soaking wet. Sammy’s face was completely neutral. Strangely, she had nothing to say on the matter. Aaron’s eyes returned to his breasts. Besides his nipples being flushed and stinging, there was no sign they had leaked. Not even a stray droplet. Aaron struggled up into a sitting position.

Sammy marveled at how big Aaron had gotten. Aaron finally got himself upright, his massive belly perched in his lap as he clutched it. Sammy doubted Aaron could get his arms around it anymore. He was absolutely enormous.

Sammy’s mind drifted back to Aaron’s extra set of breasts, now snugly hidden beneath the swollen upper ones—probably uncomfortable as all hell. Surely Aaron had realized that there was something very wrong with him by now. Why hadn’t he sought help?

A bit flustered at the sight of his exposed breasts, Aaron feebly tried to cover them up, but grunted as he did so, and they seemed to bulge out in rebuttal against his hands. “I’m going to bed,” Aaron managed, struggling to get up. It took him a while, but he was eventually on his feet and waddling towards his room.

Sammy stayed up to get some homework done, but most of her thoughts were occupied by Aaron’s condition. After about an hour, she too headed to bed.

Aaron was lying on his side in the bed across from hers. Aaron’s back was turned, but Sammy had no trouble seeing his mass. His belly was wider than he was, perched on the mattress beside him, a massive globe that heaved up and down as Aaron tried to sleep. It was late, and Sammy could have been imagining it, but Aaron seemed to be growing even then. He was breathing heavily, overwhelmed, or just overburdened. Sammy was not sure how much more his body could take, and yet curious of how far this pregnancy would push him. Again, Sammy resisted the urge to turn on the lights just to observe. Aaron must have been highly suspicious of his condition by now. Sammy would have to start devising ways to keep Aaron from reaching out to medical authorities. If she lost her test subject, the whole thing would have been for nothing. Though Sammy wanted little more than to spend the night staring at her roommate’s changing body, she forced himself to close her eyes.

In the opposite bed, Aaron was not getting any sleep. He shifted and fidgeted in discomfort. A perpetual tightness seemed to occupy him now, his abdomen filled with weird squirms. Indigestion… Indigestion? Aaron shifted, with difficulty, onto his back, and sat upright somewhat, to stare at his belly. It was sticking completely out of the massive top he was wearing, the moon reflected on its expanse. He held either side of it in wonder.

Next Chapter 



This was great. More smutty than your work usually is, though still pretty conservative. I would love it if there were an awkward lactation session between Sammy and Aaron, where she enjoyed sucking on his incredible EEE tits for all the wrong reasons and he only allowed it because he needed relief. Also, I feel like one night Aaron should be on his bed on his hands and knees groaning through Braxton-Hicks when suddenly Sammy mounts him from behind with a strap-on and gives him a thorough pegging againt his better wishes.


Wow, all interesting ideas, though this story is actually already written. It's just a male version of an old female story that I'm making as a patreon reward :P