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Note: This is a female version of Tail.

Summary: Following an extended disappearance, Sarah develops a growing tail, which reveals the ability to ingest things, produce things, and act of its own accord. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, alien impregnation, tail, stuffing, weight gain, birth.

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Over the next few days, Sarah found herself consistently waking up with her loins wet and tinglings. She would sit on the edge of the bed and work herself with her finger, her tail swaying behind her. Sarah was still oblivious to the fact that the tail was regularly pumping her with creatures, insects, and whatever else it considered to be edible while she was sleeping.

To Sarah, she was doing okay. Things were finally normalizing for her, despite the oddness of her newest appendage.

There were small slip-ups from time to time. The tail managed to suck down a bottle of syrup one morning before Sarah could even react. It gulped down some cherry tomatoes on another occasion. And Sarah continued to try her best to keep it under control. She didn’t mind the tail too much anymore. In fact, she was getting used to it. When she was alone in her room, Sarah carefully stroked it, and her body shivered in response. She could feel her breathing thickening, and her heart pounding. It was sort of nice. Sarah would continue to stroke the limb, her tail curving against her fingertips.

Sarah knew that something bigger than herself was transpiring. She just didn’t know specifically what it was. But she knew that it was planned and that it was important. She was not to worry, but to go along with it. At least, that’s what Sarah’s programming seemed to tell her.

So she had a tail. Sort of like a deformity. Actually, it made her feel more evolved. Regardless, it wasn’t that big of a deal.

As the days went by, Sarah had no appetite, though she seemed to be gaining weight. She tried to force down different foods—healthy foods. Other times, junk foods that she had once been fond of. But no matter what it was, Sarah couldn’t find the urge to eat most of the time.

Despite it, the dark circles disappeared from beneath her eyes. Soon she didn’t look underweight anymore, but healthy. Her skin wasn’t as pale and her eyes were no longer dull, but radiant. Sarah was turning back into her old self—maybe even better than her old self. Sarah’s parents noticed, and both were relieved.

“You look a hell of a lot better than you did a couple weeks ago,” Samuel remarked.

“You’re practically glowing,” said Tammy.

Sarah responded with an awkward “thanks.” She suspected that her recent improvement in health was somehow related to the tail, though she didn’t know quite how.

As Sarah’s health rose, unfortunately, so did her responsibilities. She was back on errand duty when her parents were at work. While grocery shopping one afternoon, Sarah tried her best to focus, and keep the tail hidden where it was, presently wrapped around her waist beneath her shirt. As difficult as it was to pick out items while simultaneously focusing her attention on keeping the tail still and calm, Sarah somehow managed. Beads of sweat formed on her brow. It was quite the lesson in concentration.

As slowly as Sarah was walking and as strained as she felt, she would have been an odd sight for passerby. Fortunately for Sarah, it was an early weekday morning, and the grocery store was relatively empty, aside from the occasional elderly person scrutinizing the shelves.

Sarah’s cart was full, and she had nearly finished up. Her last stop was the produce aisle. As Sarah cut through the candy aisle, she felt the tail shift. Releasing the cart, she quickly tugged her shirt down just as the tip of the tail began to poke out.  “Easy,” she hissed under her breath, drawing odd looks from two teenagers wearing backpacks, evidently cutting class.

Grabbing hold of her cart again, Sarah wheeled it forward and hastily made her way to the produce section of the store. She glanced down at the shopping list gripped in her trembling hand. Just a few more things, Sarah thought, as she pushed her cart over to the lemons, limes, and some other citrusy fruit. Sarah reached out for an orange, but as she did, the tail unraveled itself from her waist. Before she could even process what was going on, her tail closed in on a grapefruit, the dimple opening as the tip pressed against it, the mouth widening and widening to enclose the fruit whole.

Sarah’s body froze up. She found herself unable to move. Finally, as her tail completely closed around the grapefruit, the electrifying tension and arousal subsided enough that Sarah could breathe again. She turned to see the large lump that had formed at the end of the tail, where the grapefruit presently sat. “Nngghhh…” Sarah grunted, as the lump trembled, and shifted upwards, towards her. She could feel every nerve ending on the tail tingle and contort as it stretched to accommodate the mass.

Sarah heard footsteps, and quickly turned to face a young couple entering the produce section where she stood. Abandoning her cart, Sarah backed away, towards the baking aisle, needing someplace where she could regain some semblance of control of herself. Sweating and panting, she made her awkward retreat. Thankfully the baking aisle was empty. Sarah gripped onto a shelf and leaned heavily on it as she released another long groan.

The grapefruit was already midway up her tail. Despite its heavy burden of gravity, it was progressing towards Sarah’s body in heaving shifts. She was embarrassed that she could feel her clit hot and throbbing between her thighs. She could feel a thin sheen of sweat now coating her whole body, and she knew that if anyone walked into that aisle, she would have a lot of awkward questions to deal with. “Ahhh...ohhh...mffpphhh…” Sarah covered her mouth, not wanting to draw attention to the aisle. The tail felt like it was contracting, squeezing the grapefruit, pushing it upwards and towards her body. And it was big. So big, it was intimidating. Sarah reached down and gripped the advancing lump, in a desperate effort to  push it back down, and out of the tail. But as Sarah gripped it, she was again seized by an electric shock of arousal, her limbs resigning, causing her to nearly keel over.

Now she was leaning down, gripping her knees, and the grapefruit was just below the base of her tail.  “Ugghhh…oohhh…godddd…” Sarah’s back arched as the pressure grew and grew, to the cusp of being painful, before she felt the grapefruit shift into her body, her belly pushing out correspondingly.

Sarah gasped for breath as she held her newly bloated stomach. It was tight and uncomfortable, an evident mound on her slim frame. It was completely whole, and stretching her abdomen. She knew it would take her a while to digest it.

How am I going to explain this to my parents? Sarah wondered, her arms folded over the mound as the tail thrashed behind her. Her eyes widened as she felt the tail dive for something else, but she quickly turned to throw it off track. Not caring who saw her anymore, Sarah held her stomach and ran out of the store.


“Sarah, we asked you to run one errand. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

“Yes, well…” Sarah was wearing a baggy sweater and avoiding her father’s eyes. Her tail was back in place, around her waist, sitting just below the small mound of her stomach. “I just wasn’t feeling well. Honest.”

Samuel gave Sarah a doubtful look. And then he sighed. “Fine, Sarah. I’ll let you off this time. But I don’t want this to become a trend. You’ve been doing so well since you...came back.”

Sarah nodded. With a mumbled apology, she turned, and returned to her room, where she had been spending a lot of her time.

Too much time, her mother would say.

But Sarah didn’t have much of a choice. She closed the door and pulled off her sweatshirt to groan down at the tight grapefruit-sized mound that had formed on her abdomen.

Sarah sat down on her bed as the tail unraveled from her waist. People weren’t meant to consume large, whole, foods like that. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t even be possible. She was a person, not a snake. She certainly wasn’t equipped to digest things the way that snakes were. Sarah didn’t know how long she would have to deal with the mound, but she hoped it would be softer, and less uncomfortable, by morning time. That was how things usually went when the tail consumed things.

Sarah carefully lay down on her side, cupping the mound.

She glanced back at the tail, as it waved freely, and involuntarily. Sarah examined the ovoid tip and the dimple upon it, where the tail seemed to be excreting a weird, clear slime. Sarah wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Sometimes she feared that the tail’s influence on her was getting stronger. At times, Sarah could sense her own willpower faltering. She was beginning to crave the things that the tail craved. Sarah usually tried her best to keep food out of the tail’s reach, but it was hard. After all, the tail was longer than her arms. And it truly did have a mind of its own.

There was a knock on her bedroom door. “Sarah,” Tammy called. “Dinner!”

Taking a deep breath, Sarah climbed out of bed and retrieved her sweatshirt from atop her dresser. It was going to be another long night.

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