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Note: This is a male version of Piglets.

Summary: Aaron is impregnated with mutated pig sperm. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts (3 pairs), lactation, stuffing, animal pregnancy, animal characteristics/partial transformation, butt expansion, weight gain, birth.

Previous Chapter


The next morning, the layer of fatty softness was back. His belly looked even bigger. Aaron rubbed it in unease. Oh god…oh god…

The mud bath lifted some weight from his back and cooled his flesh. His skin was overheated and seemed to have taken on a constant, pinkish hue. Aaron imagined he would spend the whole day in the mud bath if he could. But as if on cue, his cell phone rang beside him. Aaron reached over and turned it on, not caring that he was coating the casing in mud. “Hello?” he said breathlessly.

Within moments, Aaron was struggling out of the bath and rinsing himself off.


A private vehicle pulled up to the Montgomery estate. The driver parked, hurried out, then opened the back door for his client.

Aaron struggled out of the car. Holding his belly, he waddled into the building. He was dressed in a formal blazer that his body entirely bulged out of. His biggest shirt he owned hugged his bulging breasts and huge belly, several inches of his belly protruding out beneath the tautly-stretched hem.

He was wearing black sweatpants for a lack of fitting into anything else, his rounded bottom stretched out the back. On his small frame, his belly looked absolutely obscene. Aaron was panting.

At his arrival, the butler began to announce him. “Mister Aaron Mont—” the butler choked when he finally caught sight of Aaron. Beside him, the estate’s attorney gawked.

“What happened to you?” said the lawyer, stunned. “I saw you a few months ago.”

“Where are the papers I have to sign?” said Aaron impatiently. “You said without authorization I might lose my stock in dad’s company.”

Aaron followed the lawyer to an office off the main entrance. Numbly, the lawyer handed him some papers, which Aaron impatiently propped against his belly to scribble his signature.

“Is this about your siblings?” the lawyer continued, looking at him as though he was shameless. “Are you really that stressed out about their attempts on your trust fund? Goodness, Aaron, you look pregnant. Rather, you look ready to drop a daycare center. You look—and I mean this literally—you look like you’re about to pop.”

It was exactly how he felt. Aaron shoved the papers back over to the lawyer. He was flushed and sweating, his back straining and belly full of that now-constant pressure. “I know how I look,” he snapped, clutching the underside of his mass. “Fortunately my appearance is not up for discussion,” he continued, breathing heavily. “Is there anything else?”

The lawyer simply shook his head, continuing to stare.

As Aaron turned to leave, he could hear the attorney already getting on the phone, falling into hushed whispers.

“Can barely walk…bloated to bursting…about to drop a litter…a litter I tell you…”

Doing his best to ignore it, he continued towards the door.




Aaron was forced to go on a trip with his class to a research lab for one of his classes, though he could barely focus on what was going on. In the past, he would have been fascinated, but now he was just impatient and uncomfortable.

“In the first section of the lab we focus on splicing,” said the head scientist, Dr. Webber, who served as their guide. “We attempt to fuse the DNA of different mammals together to produce a whole new creature. At present, we are focusing on traditional house pets—cats and dogs.”

There were amorphous blobs floating about transparent liquid-filled glass tanks that littered the room.

“These are the incubation chambers,” Webber said, motioning to the tanks. “Unfortunately, it does not seem to be an adequate environment for our specimens to develop their intricate organ systems despite continual growth. The closest we have been to completed incubation with these projects is through surrogate animals. And…well, we remain optimistic. Moving on…”

Webber guided them to the next part of the lab, Sammy looking at Aaron in concern as the petite boy clutched his belly and waddled after them.

The new section of the lab seemed to be more like a doctor’s office than anything else. Slim women littered the room, waiting to have their names called. Behind a glass wall a scientist was giving them injections.

“Here, we are testing a new fertility drug we developed. For these women, this is their last hope of pregnancy. Unfortunately this clinical trial has yet to see much…success.” Webber cleared his throat. “Moving along…”

Aaron was panting by then, his back straining, and belly sticking out considerably. Some of the women stared at him as he struggled after his classmates.

“And here, in the last section, our focus is replicating body parts for transplantation. Skin cells, limbs, even organs. Of course, we are starting small. Currently we are working with Kyle here to replicate his mole.” Webber motioned to a lone man in a hospital gown who was sitting in the room as two scientists attended to him. He had a small mole on his right cheek.

“Of course, it is a…work in progress,” said Webber awkwardly. “Any questions?”

Aaron grunted quietly as his lower breasts arbitrarily tightened, heaving his upper breasts more heavily against his sweatshirt. He breathed heavily, masses throbbing. “Can I go now?” he wheezed.


Though Aaron himself had not taken in much from the excursion, that night, Sammy stayed up in the living room and mused on some of the things she had learned.

As much as she despised Aaron, Sammy couldn’t deny her concern about the boy’s continued growth. He seemed to be getting bigger and bigger while the piglets showed no sign of being ready. What if Aaron’s litter was facing one of the issues the splices at the lab had faced? What if they were growing faster than they were developing?

It was a treatable problem, or so Sammy hoped. She pulled a syringe out of her purse. It contained a drug primarily used for premature infants. It was used to help speed up their development. Hopefully it would help move things along with Aaron.

Sammy waited up a few hours until she was certain Aaron was asleep. She then crept over to Aaron’s bed. The boy was sprawled on his side, partially curled around his massive belly.

With a q-tip prepped with topical dental anesthetic, Sammy applied it to Aaron’s thigh. Holding her breath, Sammy applied the needle and punctured his skin.

To Sammy's relief, Aaron didn’t wake up.

Sammy waited until all the contents of the needle had been injected into Aaron, before withdrawing it and carefully backing away, to her bed.

Now just to wait for the results.


When Aaron awoke the next morning, he felt overheated – moreso than usual. He breathed in and out, trying to figure out what was different. He tensed as he experienced a strange…twisting…sensation in his abdomen, and clutched it against him the best he could. Sheets falling off, he heaved himself up onto his knees, and sunk onto his heels, allowing his belly to perch down against the mattress and his thighs.

“You okay?”

Aaron looked up at Sammy, who was already dressed, and had her purse in hand. Aaron forced a smile. “Fine,” he forced out. He cringed as another weird sensation of twisting assaulted him from within.

“We’re going to be late for class,” mentioned Sammy, her face completely neutral.

“Go on without me,” Aaron responded. “I might be…ohh…a couple minutes late.” He forced a grimace he hoped passed as a smile.

Sammy hesitated. Tempted as she was to stay with her test subject, it would be too suspicious if she refused to go. “Well…okay then. Meet you for lunch?”

“Sure thing.” Aaron impatiently nodded. As he watched Sammy leave the room, Aaron rubbed his hands up and down his flushed mound. What was going on with his body now?

“Nrrrghhhhhhh…” This time the discomfort was in Aaron’s breasts. Pouring sweat, he tore the first few buttons of his nightshirt open as his upper breasts were heaved yet higher, cleavage rising through the opening. He gasped, and leaned back as much as he could, arching his spine. They needed room. They needed-–space. “Errrgghhhh…” Aaron groaned as his upper breasts continued to ascend, the lower ones aching and plumpening and rising. He gasped for breath when the episode ended. Slowly, his hands slid up to cup the lower mounds. They were bigger. They felt like…Ds…or DDs! And they were visible. He could feel it. They had heaved his upper breasts high enough to peek out beneath them.

Aaron lifted himself up from his bed with some difficulty, his four breasts awkwardly wiggling where they were stacked atop his belly in his stretched top. Feeling a bit ill just at the sight of himself, he made his way to the bathroom, and lurched inside. He crouched down beside the mud bath and hurriedly removed his clothes, before easing himself down into it. It was the only thing that could calm him down lately.

Still, he couldn’t think. He couldn’t even contemplate what he would do next.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, he thought as his lower breasts were again consumed by tightness. His upper breasts, his plump EEEs, were heaved yet higher and towards his chin as his lower breasts plopped out into full visibility beneath them.

“Oh…nggghhhhh…” Aaron moaned, squirming as his groin throbbed as though in rhythm with his nipples. His breathing thinned. He was caught between panic and arousal. His shaky hands slid up and carefully cupped his lower breasts. So full and tender and new, they were possibly just as big as the upper ones now, but how had this happened, and so abruptly? Aaron groaned as all four mounds suddenly tightened, his eyes tearing. They were so sensitive, he didn’t think he could handle it- “Ugh-!”

Aaron’s upper two nipples suddenly began to spray milk. Thick, creamy milk. While Aaron’s two lower breasts were hidden beneath the mud, he could feel them releasing milk as well. His body tightened and shuddered, his face red. The contents of his belly twisted again, though he could hardly pay any attention to that. Why was this happening? Why him? “Ohhhh…”

There was suddenly a knock on the door. “Aaron?” Sammy called.

Aaron lifted his eyes. How much time had passed? With difficulty, he climbed out of the mud bath, his belly heaving with his heavy breathing and his four breasts wobbling. He grabbed a towel, and dried himself off the best he could, his hands shaking as they encountered his tender new lower breasts, nipples plump and pink.

The lactation from all four nipples had curiously ceased. There wasn’t even one droplet of milk that followed. Meanwhile, all four breasts remained arousingly, almost painfully plump. Aaron made his way over to the mirror and stared at his transformed reflection.

How was he going to explain this?

Next Chapter 


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