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Why, you ask, is it Best Month? Because we all get to go back to school, and the office and the reality that the sun is about to leave our days and we'll soon be complaining about how cold it is and how that 40 degree summer wasn't that bad after all. 

Oh and it'll be my birthday later down the line, which is great, because what would you do without these clearly necessary updates if I weren't here? Exactly, that's what I thought.

That said on the subject of updates, this shall be a short one as besides the changes made the last two months, there isn't much new to report. But just so nobody gets me black balloons assuming I have, in fact, expired, here's quick breakdown of where we're at:

-First, apologies for the radio silence the last couple of weeks. I have been working on an intensely intricate piece with a deadline that I couldn't really disclose. I can, however, show you this lil' bit:

It's gonna be a big one, but despite several days of saying "IT WILL BE DONE TODAY" it's still very much a WIP. Not for long though, so please look forward to it.

-This month is likely to be a little sporadic, as I have a LOT happening due to personal and family reasons. I will be continuously working behind the scenes, but it might be harder to make regular updates/posts. That said, you can always see the state of my workload here - as well as get any necessary information about where things are at from my Patreon Guide.

-That said, I do encourage you to join us on Discord if you're a patron, as that's the best way to hear from me on a daily basis, ask me questions or get any information you might not be able to find. To join us, please go into your account settings > apps > connect your account.

And with that, I bid you all a wonderful month in which I invite you to eat cake every day and absolve you of any judgement. I have spoken.

Much love!



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