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And so we have our first Ultimate Mystery Box* piece, fresh out of the oven and featuring one punchy, bubblegum catte in that 80's vibes I so love.

Believe it or not (and I choose 'not' because I have no idea how I pulled it off) I drew all of this from scratch in under 24 hours. I think I was possessed by the spirit of Artists Past...

I'm actually ridiculously proud of myself for pulling this off in that time. And not just that - the pose was off the top of my head (with minor self-referencing in a mirror). Not that I would ever advocate against refs but it feels really good to have that "oh shit, I know things!" moment.

As always, love to hear your thoughts in the comments! =]

*This reward was an "Ultimate Mystery Box" - a type of reward where you give me a character but I get to decide how I draw everything. As an extension of the Mystery Box, Ultimate pieces will be commission-grade, delivering half or full bodies, rendering, etc

You can purchase these with points through my patreon reward portal StarStickers! If you're a patron make sure you sign up, and if you're not... well *wooshing eyebrow waggle*




Let's get physical!


Absolutely love this! Colors are amazing and that pose is perfect!