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Happy NOVEMBER, Patron-O-Jects!!

Strange to think we're already nearing the end of 2020 - HOPE YOU GUYS ARE CONTINUING TO STAY SAFE & SANE OUT THERE!!!  

But for now- we've got a few questions to kick us off for the penultimate month of the year...  As always,  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



BRADLEY BLEDSOE (0:30)   --  What so far has been the craziest part of your guys’ year? 2020 has sucked in general, but I’m curious as to what the craziest thing has been for you all! Much love guys! ❤️

EVGENY CARUANA (15:31)  --  What would be on the gag reel of your lives, guys? 😄

DAVID GANDY (21:45)  --  Airplane! or The Naked Gun?


LINK TO ALL NOVEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=November%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


November 2020 Q&A #1


Evgeny Caruana

Wow you guys got some great gag reels hahaha. I guess it is fair to say that I will tell you mine... here goes.... My gag reel of my life was when I was in post-secondary school and I had a crush on this girl, she was amazing and we were friends for like 4 months. Then we fell in love and on the eve of Valentine's Day I had arranged to send her a poem and a rose to the class she was in as a surprise. She was surprised and we met at a cafe, She put down the rose and the poem on the table and started talking to her friends who had been there for some time even though I told them to not come just in case. It was a while so I outright said it that I was in love with her. She looked at me but then just ignored me and changed subject with her friends to something else. I felt heartbroken and left the café. It was raining outside. As I put on my hoodie I felt a pull and turned around. She was there. She pulled closer and kissed me. I kissed back. I was so happy. We hung out for a bit walking around and parted ways later in the evening. Later that night we were talking and she sent me a message in all caps. She was angry about something. She told me that I was trying to make her friends turn against her. Apparently her friends did not like me and well pulled off a sort of coup where they managed to turn my crush against me. It was the day after of Valentine’s Day and as I went back to school she turned up and threw away the rose right in front of me. Decided to keep the poem and spat at my feet. And that was one day from the gag reel of my life. I was young and stupid hahaha