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Hello there, Patron-O-Jects!

If you're new here - first off, WELCOME - if you've been here for at least a month, you know the drill...

If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave your question in the comment box below :)

Once we hit the LIKE button on your question, that means we've shot a vid for it!

We shoot these a few times a week, goal is to have them all answered & up on Patreon before the end of the month (we usually succeed at this lol).

Submit your questions now!!!



Elle B.

Describe your personality but, instead of using words, use 3 fictional characters from TV or Film.

Commander Dodge

What was the very first anime that you ever watched and why did you enjoy it so much?


What is y'alls most memorable reaction y'all have done this year.

David Gandy

Better with insults, Sophia on the Golden Girls or Al on Married with Children?


Which movie do you think could’ve benefited more if a better writer or director were attached to the project?

Jen Smith

(Sorry, my nerd is showing) If you were a Pokemon Gym Leader, what type would you be and what would be your 6 Pokemon lineup?

Eric Horstman

Do you believe in fate and destiny, that our lives are already set in stone from the moment we are born, or are we able to change the evolution of our paths depending on the choices we make? But what if you only make bad choices? Is that fated? Why will one brother grow up to be happy and accomplished while the other one (growing up in the same environment) become a bitter pill of self-loathing and addiction? (Asking for a friend lol) Sorry I get philosophical after a few drinks...ok five

Mikael Lindén

Which tourist traps should be avoided in L.A.? , and which places do you recommend a visit?

Cruz Rivera

What should be Quentin Tarantino’s last film, Star Trek or Kill Bill Vol. 3?


Are you guys fans of the Duplass brothers? I love most of their movies. I recommend watching Blue Jay, Paddleton, and Creep 1 and 2. Blue Jay is one of my favorite movies of this decade and nobody has seen it. It stars Mark Duplass and Sarah Paulson as former lovers reunited 20 years later and it also has beautiful Black and white cinematography.

Katie Anne

If you were a director, who would you cast in your movie, choosing from anyone alive or dead? Especially if you could give more screen time to underrated actors :)

Daniel Gallacher

Out of the 5 new MCU films that were announced at Comic Con this year, which one are you most looking forward to? Personally I'm looking forward to all equally with the return of old characters and the introduction of new ones.


Thoughts on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood ending? Flamethrower!!!🤗

Scott Severin

What would be your dream Godzilla film, who would you cast, and would you create your own monsters or acquire the rights from Toho to use one if not more of their Kaiju characters?

Cruz Rivera

Have you beaten the Spider-Man PS4 game? If so, thoughts on the story?

Anisa Oliva

How do you feel about being on the trending page TWICE this week and do you feel as though all your hard work is paying off? I love you guys and am so proud of y’all♥️ y’all are getting the recognition y’all deserve and I could be happier for you guys. Much love.