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"Stage 03 - The False Classmate"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/349994821/94914dd9ae

REVIEW BEGINS AT: 23min 6 Seconds


After confronting Prince Clovis, Lelouch learns information about his mother's murder. Back at school, he is surprised to find that one of the terrorists he worked with is a fellow classmate. But when he confronts her, he finds the limits of his new power.


Code Geass Ep 3 Stage 3 The False Classmate STREAM



Lelouch's dad is the Emperor of Britannia. Because Britannia is a monarchy Lelouch has many step siblings in line for the throne. You will know of Lelouch's backstory in episode 7.

Ryan H

I see funimation has the censored episodes😜. Also Kallen is Ka-lenn. Alot of your questions will be answered in upcoming episodes

Ryan H

Oh yes at least for the first season I heard that after s1 that it moved to a earlier timeslot. It would of probably had to be censored for your highlights


Damn haha. We'll save those for an eventual series Rejects After Dark reactions or something. Highly specialized reward tier lol