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Thanks for the question, JUSTIN SUTTON!!!


Greg and John what are your 3 favorite movies about love and heartbreak? My three favorite are Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Brokeback Mountain, and Blue Valentine.  


3 Favorite Movies About Love & Heartbreak?!


Brian H

Terminator, Le Mepris, those are the 2 that come to mind beside Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.


Thanks guys! I agree with you guys on the Notebook and Her. John you should checkout Brokeback Mountain Heath Ledger is amazing in it. I’m also happy you mentioned The Break Up Greg, I love that movie

Elle B.

C’mon double feature stream along, The Notebook and Brokeback Mountain! Lol I couldn’t possibly narrow down my top three, but one of my all-time favorite love and heartbreak movies is Moulin Rouge!


I will add on Revolutionary Road and I like that you guys brought up Her and 500 Days of Summer.


Basically my are any Nicholas Sparks movie. For some reason I can't name many other beside that.


No problem, mate!! I definitely ought'a catch up with that one at some point 😅there are a lot of greats on my to-watch list haha. And glad somebody else out there appreciates The Breakup lol.


Hahahaha oh god, that'd fun 😂It'd take the proper circumstances, but one'a these days I'd be down lol. And I feel ya. I tend to struggle narrowing things like this down as well 😅Moulin Rouge is a fantastic pick tho!! Actually got to see it in the theatres again a couple years back. Love that movie as well!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:07:20 Oh man haha. There's a tale of love & heartbreak for ya 😅and glad you approve!!
2019-07-31 22:00:10 Oh man haha. There's a tale of love & heartbreak for ya 😅and glad you approve!!

Oh man haha. There's a tale of love & heartbreak for ya 😅and glad you approve!!


Hey haha the guy's got enough movies out there... just close your eyes & pick three! 😝