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"Crossroad Blues"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/325986634/f2910cdd1d



Sam & Dean roll into Rosedale, Mississippi to investigate a chain of attacks, purportedly caused by rabid, black dogs...  could the yellow-eyed demon have something to do with it?


Supernatural 2x8 "Crossroad Blues" STREAM ALONG



Loved the reaction guys and the shirt Greg! you guys should also react to the gag reals.

brittany beyerle

i wasn't sure if you guys caught on, but this episode was one of the first to establish it. there are many demons and there are multiple kinds of demons. there's the yellow-eyed demon, but there are specifically crossroad demons - their entire job is to work at crossroads and make deals (which is why there were multiple deals made at one time at the same bar when only one person actually summoned them), and their eyes are red. so it wasn't the yellow-eyed demon in this episode, unfortunately!

brittany beyerle

also, as an afterthought (from someone who has watched it all and no spoilers i promise) - when watching the show, even if you consider sam the "lead" character, i've always thought that the show was more from dean's perspective. i know it might seem odd to say so, but i hope that makes more sense as you continue watching.

Elle B.

I loved the flashbacks framing this episode. I love angel and demon lore so any episodes that deal with either of those subjects I really like. I think Dean and Sam suspected their dad worked something out with the Yellow Eyed Demon, but not that he specifically bargained his soul and is now suffering in Hell. Or they may have though that John traded the colt for Dean’s life and the YED killed their dad anyway. Or maybe the writers got a lil’ lazy. Haha


Thanks so much!! Really glad you enjoyed it (and appreciate the shirt lol). Would definitely be open to watching the gag reels! Maybe when we wrap this season up we'll find a fun way to work them in :)


Ahhh okay, good to know! I was ultimately unclear by the end, just because of the way the demon moved out of that girl's body, but the eye color aspect sorta clued me in. Appreciate you clarifying! Love the ever-expanding approach to the lore and different creatures on this show.


Iiiinteresting 🤔will definitely keep this in mind! I think Sam sometimes comes across to us like the protagonist because (at least at the start of the show) he feels more like an audience cypher being introduced into this world with us, but now that they're both immersed, especially, I can sorta see how it'd be more Dean at the center. Especially with some of the changes that have taken hold in the transition between seasons 1 and 2. I'll keep that perspective in mind moving forward!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:15:16 Haha somehow I feel like they at least suspected he pulled some sort of maneuver in Dean's favor, but this does seem like the first legitimate confirmation. Loved the flashbacks as well! Especially the way they bothered to kinda tie it into some actual history & the folklore surrounding it. Really loved the Robert Johnson aspect - especially with the show being so much about its music. Gotta love some good demon mythology!
2019-03-26 17:54:42 Haha somehow I feel like they at least suspected he pulled some sort of maneuver in Dean's favor, but this does seem like the first legitimate confirmation. Loved the flashbacks as well! Especially the way they bothered to kinda tie it into some actual history & the folklore surrounding it. Really loved the Robert Johnson aspect - especially with the show being so much about its music. Gotta love some good demon mythology!

Haha somehow I feel like they at least suspected he pulled some sort of maneuver in Dean's favor, but this does seem like the first legitimate confirmation. Loved the flashbacks as well! Especially the way they bothered to kinda tie it into some actual history & the folklore surrounding it. Really loved the Robert Johnson aspect - especially with the show being so much about its music. Gotta love some good demon mythology!

Toasted Toad

I disagree entirely. It's the other way around. Here's Kripke (don't worry, there are no spoilers here): "When we started casting, we had archetypes in mind, which were Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. We were really looking for Sam to be empathetic, kind, and likeable, and really the audience surrogate. The person who the audience would most see themselves as and really carry the story through their eyes. And that required a really unique likeability. For Dean, we were looking for Han Solo. We were looking for devil-may-care, charismatic, a little rough around the edges, a little edgy, says things that are not always the kindest thing, as long as they're funny. And that was really what we started out with. And Jared and Jensen both just so inhabited those parts, and then proceeded to blow us away with how dimensionalized they were. For Jensen, the level of emotion and totally flawed, screwed-to-hell psyche that he brings to Dean, we really are enamored with. This idea that on the surface here's this Han Solo devil-may-care persona, but when you really scratch beneath the surface, you see that anyone who has that persona has it because they are just so messed up, and that you would have to be so screwed up and damaged to be the person who always jumps first off a cliff. So, he really brought Dean to life in a really three-dimensional way, and Jared did the same thing with Sam. Yes, Sam was likeable, and the audience surrogate and all the things he was supposed to be, but also angry, and disaffected, and, at times, hilariously funny, loyal, and despondent. He brought in all of these different colors that have really brought these characters to life, which I think is probably very rare for a genre show to have--characters as dimensionalized as ours--and I'm really proud of it. It has a lot to do with Bob Singer and the other writers probably more than it had to do with me. I came in just looking for good kills, and through the talents and abilities of the actors and the writers, they just brought these guys to life in a way I never really dreamed, obviously." Whatever might or might not have been the plan at first, it's become very clear they are co-leads.