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I know we're behind on responding to comments & messages too. Just want you to know no one is being ignored or anything, this editing task is turning out to be quite intense!

Who would've thought working off 4 cameras would be this challenging lol

After almost 2 straight days we're maybe 50% of the way done.

By the time Tuesday rolls around, we'll be dedicating a couple hours to reply to messages & comments. 

Also THANK YOU to everyone who's wished me a happy early birthday. Got some notifications - really appreciate it. Hopefully we can wrap up 90% of it tonight so I can take time out tomorrow to celebrate.

Appreciate everyone's patience as we handle this task.

There'll be the extended version which you guys can get early access to but we gotta make a super short cut to submit by manana.

Much love :)



I'm not sure if this is an issue for you guys or not and you probably already know this, but there is a way to sync footage with one click so that multiple cameras can line up in Premiere. I don't know if use Premiere, but I bet other programs have that ability too

David Gandy

You guys give so much as it is, never a problem. Get your work done and take the time off you need. We'll still be here.


Really appreciate it, man! We do our level best!! Hopping back on things today, so hopefully we'll be back on track by tomorrow :)


Yeahhhh, we've heard tell there are features in Final Cut and Premiere that can help expedite a lot of these things. We actually got Final Cut just recently, just haven't had much of any time to speak of to sit down and learn the ropes and all that. Hopefully one of these weekends coming up, but for now we found a way to make our editing process a little easier and are now just plugging away to get it all done by this evening. No rest for the wicked, eh?!