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Thanks for your request, ANDREW HAYS!!!

This'll be up on the YouTubes shortly, may need a liiiittle finessing, but it's mostly done...  Enjoy!!!


Andrew Hays 10 Best so Far


Commander Dodge

I agree, Deadpool 2 should've definitely been on this list.

Ron Harrison

I saw A Quiet Place, Incredibles 2, Won't You Be My Neighbor, Avengers Infinity War and Black Panther. I heard that Annihilation was good, but I never got around to watching it. A Quiet Place was really inventive and I had a great theatre experience. Everyone in the theatre was quiet and it was great seeing such an original horror film. Incredibles 2 was fun and had some cool plot twists. Won't You Be My Neighbor really moved me. I grew up watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, but never knew the behind the scenes stuff around the show. Would definitely watch it again. Avengers Infinity War and Black Panther were both amazing movies in their own ways.


Not bad! Feel like we probably caught most of the same films off this list - except Won't You Be My Neighbor, sadly. I think we both had tickets for that (different showings) and both wound up not being able to go sadly. I grew up on Mr. Rogers as well, so that's one I really wanted to check out - definitely looked like ti'd be a pretty touching experience. And I think that was one of the biggest impressions A Quiet Place left on us after that first viewing experience. It's been ages since we'd seen/heard a movie theatre auditorium so quiet for so long. Quite captivating! And right there with ya - Incredibles, Avengers, and Black Panther each brought their own unique flavors to the blockbuster arena. Glad you dug the flicks as well!!