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Thanks for the question, NEIL UCHIHA!!!

It'd be fun to hear your guys feedback to this question!!!


Neil Q&A Overrated:Underrated


Loki Marcus

I thought that it follows was trash. But everyone ive talked to says they loved it.


I am not too hot on OG bladerunner too, i just cannot connect with characters due to how dialogue is written and delivered, I actually think 2049 is a better film and K is a lot more likeable MC. I also do not think Top gun is all that good, its just ok, lol. And I dropped Strangers things after ep4, I could not handle teenage drama. The most recent was Shape of water, I was kinda meh on it , it was too cartoony with the villain and its not very subtle in general, lol. And like you can just see how this film tries to pander to specific demographics, So in short, there are a lot of films I am not too hot even tho they are critically praised, Do not think they are overrated tho.

Neil Uchiha

Ahhh thanks for answering the question guys. Yes Uchiha is in reference to Naruto lol... My real last name is Chopra (no relation to Priyanka 😁)


Ahhh, that's a good one. Personally I liked it, but I didn't LOOOOOOVE it like a lot of the folks I've spoken to about it. Can definitely see why you wouldn't like that movie, though.


Haha definitely feel ya on this batch of flicks. I think BR2049 grabbed us both a lot more wholly than the original did. Shape of Water was one I think we both enjoyed, but I do see your criticism of the Michael Shannon character. I think I chalked that up to the old-time monster movie aesthetics, but pound for pound he is pretty evil. All in all I get where you're coming from. You sound pretty even-handed about this haha. It's only handful of films each year that truly live up to their respective hype - and that's for each of us to decide, I suppose.


Haha good to know... what about Deepak? 😝 Seriously though, no problem, man! Appreciate you asking! Haha glad we weren't too far off with your username 😝


Titanic is overrated. My family loves bringing down the house. Funny stuff(I agree. Trish is terrible)


Oh I am biased as fuck when it comes to media, lol. It's just even stuff I do not like I can see quality work put behind them , you know. And films or shows I like might not be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it pushes my specific buttons so I can look past flaws. I think it's just I found a lot of people on internet approach media with the ''I don't like it, therefore it's bad , I like it , therefore it's good'' And it grinds my gears and defeats the whole point of conversation.


Haha thanks, man! Bringing Down the House is pretty fun. I remember my mom really enjoying it as well. And despite its status, it still seems like Titanic's pretty divisive haha. Glad we can agree on Trish tho! 😝