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Things get pretty immediate in this one, peeps!!

We pick up pretty much right where we left off last time and things aren't looking to good for Second Lieutenant Ross...


FMA 117



This episode felt like everything is moving so fast, lol. Just very snappy pacing to a weird degree. The only scene was Eds and Vinry's talk, which was really good, how it was directed, to just ambient sounds, a lot of dead air . And of course dialogue. The line ''I don't know'' from Vinry , i really like that. A lot of times characters, especially in anime always have an answer, and details like this makes it far more believable characters. And as for Mustang, I think he 's just gonna do whatever it takes, ends justify the means, you know? And due to his loss I think he is a lot more self destructive , that call with some girl, just exemplifies this. Overall I thought it was really good episode direction wise and just more plot focused with some character interactions .

Ryan H

A anime about making anime: Shirobako

Elle B.

I liked your observation that every thing Armstrong does is intense. Lol It’s true! and In the manga Envy is technically androgynous/genderless shapeshifter. There are future episodes that will help this make more sense. But they do refer to Envy as “He” sometimes in this anime. This episode frustrated me the first time I watched it. Great storytelling of course, but I want justice for Ross! Idk how you can go without binging these. Lol


Yeah, seems like they had a bunch of ground to cover in this one. I guess I'd expected the Ross situation to last at least a couple episodes, but on the same token it definitely grabbed me how they handled it here. And I think the pace does create some nice contrast with that scene between Winry and the brothers. All that quiet and air amid so much chaos. And yeah, that little note of ambiguity was a nice touch, the "I don't know." Not that Fullmetal does it quite as much as some other shows do, but being used to exposition and inner-monologuing, it was definitely refreshing just to have the pure emotion in that scene. As for Mustang, I'd agree there. Especially hearing his philosophy when Ed freaks out on him. Second there's a culprit been fingered, makes sense he would be on the move. I think I was maybe a little taken aback by some of his parts because of how much was going on and how quickly things were moving. Overall though, glad you dug the episode too! Seriously loving this show the further into it I get. So much to appreciate, even in the more plot-heavy episodes.


Thanks haha 😄I think this episode was when it really struck me. Because pretty much every emotion he exhibits beyond any regular situation is always dialed up to 11 haha. Which just tickles me so much. And I appreciate the clarifier re: Envy - I'd wondered if an androgynous character was what they were going for (which is how it comes across), but yeah, the subs got me confused. And has it always been the same voice actor for that character? Definitely felt a similar frustration as well regarding Ross. I didn't realize it'd affect me so much, but I really hope the truth comes out and some form of remedial justice can be rendered. Definitely did not foresee this turn of events. As for the bingeing... it takes a whooooole lot'a self control 😅😅

Ryan H

Ya i really enjoyed it. Its only 1 season and it was super informative about the anime industry and how anime is made.

Elle B.

The character of envy was entirely different in the first FMA series. But in FMAB Envy is voiced by a female voice actor (Wendy Powell), same for the Japanese version, also voiced by a woman (Minami Takayama)