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Thanks for the question, señor Hays!!

What would y'all's wishes be??  (serious and joke answers welcome.. lol)


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Hays, 3 wishes Q&A


Kurt Anderson

The look on johns face while Greg talks about pooping cash is priceless


I kept it genuine while still having some fun. 1) A body that's impervious to the adverse effects of all food - love eating but don't love feeling like ass after an indulgent meal. 2) The power of teleportation - not a fan of the "traveling" part of traveling, nor the accompanying expenses and stress. 3) Unlimited confidence balanced with a healthy dose of pragmatism - usually, I'm the one who gets in my way, so this will allow me to reach my full potential. Once things are in motion, I'll be able to shift the focus from helping myself, to helping others.


That was a full-on mental journey lol. I'm just thankful you're not seeing what I was seeing 😝


Damn haha. I think you pretty much nailed it with those 3... Think we might just have to go back and steal a couple of your answers 😅Personally, I don't mind travel, but being impervious to the adverse effects of food would be AMAAAZING and boy, could I use a balanced level of confidence lol. Good stuff, man!!


I'm particularly partial to Wish 2. My body has become increasingly reactive to food. I'm also big on carbs (let's be honest, who isn't) and I'm not trying to get diabetes. I've trained myself to enjoy healthy eating habits, but a lot of the enjoyment comes from knowing I'm doing my body good, as opposed to the actual eating experience.


I definitely feel ya there. In recent years I've sorta zeroed in on stuff that's alright for me that I don't mind sorta eating all the time, but it would be soooo nice not to have to worry. Think I might steal this particular wish for the next time I'm asked this question lol as food and flavor are some of the loveliest joys in life 😋