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Thanks for the question, Neeraj!!!

We had a good amount of fun with this one, buuut there are some authentic answers in there as well...  ya just gotta look for 'em..  ;)


If you haven’t had a chance to ASK US A QUESTION

Follow This Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2018-q-time-19313322

LEAVE YOUR QUESTION in the comment box on that post!!!!


Neeraj Q&A



What a coincidence! If I wasn't a music teacher by day/starving musician by night, I would also probably be a serial killer. I'm still pretty sure at some point I'll just crack under pressure and take a chainsaw to the streets. Though that would more of a one-off mass murderer going out with a bang than a prolific serial killer. Still, I bet it'd be totally worth it!


Great minds haha 😉 I imagine it would certainly make for an incomparable level of catharsis at the very least! ...just don't go spending your crime-spree all in one place, now! 😝