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Welllll, we certainly can't say y'all didn't warn us this was ish about to get heavy...

The tension mounts as All Might finally intervenes - but will it be enough?!

Join us for what may just be THE most intense episode of the season!!


My Hero Academia 1x12 All Might Reaction & Review



I love how enthusiastic you guys get for fights lol makes me excited to see future fights. And John was right, Bakugo's power is making explosions. And I agree that some of the commentary of the villains are either cliche or an interesting perspective. There will definitely be more instances where villains have some interesting arguments. Can't wait to hear your analyzations about a particular one that is going to show up later!


That was a good episode, especially with how All might looked at some instances, very hard shading and such. And about subverting tropes, i never really thought about it. But I think when it comes to superhero angle it kinda does actually, it has commentary on it which I do appreciate in hindsight. Also that was probably the most expansive episode of this season , just due to animation variety and just general frames .


Aw I'm glad haha, thank you!! I think we've both become a lot more naturally expressive doing this for so many years. And the fights are preeetty thrilling haha. I these past few episodes especially have gotten us really excited for the future of the show. And I think we both appreciate a good bunch of nuanced villains. Makes everything that much more compelling when the philosophies are at odds just as much as the physical aspects. Excited for whatever comes next haha. ...And glad to finally maybe be warming up to Bakugo 😝


Oh yeah haha, second you see All Might with all that heavy shading, you know they mean business. And while the commentary bits aren't necessarily mindblowing (...yet), I think we both definitely appreciate the inclusion. Especially nowadays, it's nice to see people making an effort to broaden the boundaries and at least touch on the ethics of the genre. And agreed! Definitely enjoying a lot of the animation and design choices they're making. Some of those villains are twisted!

Loki Marcus

When I first saw that fight, it reminded me of superman vs doomsday( in the comics). Such an incredible fight and an incredible episode. And btw, yes Chris Sabot voices All Might in the english dub in both little form and big form. He also voices piccolo from dragon ball z, as well as armstrong in FMA. And without spoiling, always remember, this show is good with giving characters lasting consequences due to their actions. I never feel like any of these characters have plot armor, with the exception of Izuku.


I've never heard the phrase "plot armor" before, but I kinda love that haha. And will definitely bear that in mind moving forward; always appreciate when shows (especially animated shows, for whatever reason) own their choices and allow the effects to carry past a singular episode. And YES!!! Every time Armstrong shows up on FMA:B, I'm like "I SWEAR that's All Might" haha. Good to know! And I hadn't thought of that, but good call on the Superman vs. Doomsday comparison! I wonder if that was an intentional homage or not.. Even enjoying the show up until this point, I don't think either of us was prepared for the intensity level of this last episode haha. Crazy worried for All Might going into the next one 😅