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Which Critically Acclaimed Director Are We Not A Fan Of?!


Heather Crisford

I generally like PTA but I totally agree with you about TWBB John, I really didn't like it at all and was totally bored the entire time. I literally didn't care about one single character. I don't know if he's really critically acclaimed as I haven't heard a positive review for him in a while but I find all of Terrence Malick's films completely unwatchable. I tried to watch Song to Song the other day as its got a really great cast but I lasted about 4 minutes and just couldn't do it.


This may sound blasphemous but Tarantino doesn’t do it for me. For the longest time, I tried to convince myself that I was a fan in order to fit in with the “cool kids”, but the truth of the matter is that I’m just not in to his aesthetic. I feel the same way about Pixar, with the one exception being The Incredibles. That being said, “quality” and “appeal” are two separate entities, so this in no way compromises my respect for these filmmaking titans. I typically wouldn’t disclose such unpopular opinions to a bunch of cinephiles; however, if there ever was a safe space to do it, it would be right here.


James Cameron that immediately jumps to mind. Like he is fantastic technical director. but his movies lack substance for me. Or more tangible atmosphere and characters that i could latch on to. Also the violence always feels sterile, a lot of his movies to me felt very sterile and clean. Another one would be Wes Anderson, his self indulgence does nothing for me, its actually rubs me the wrong way . his style of humor and particular use of colors . And tone always seemed so absurd in his films that i never cared about what was happening at the moment

Ron Harrison

Joel Schumacher and Michael Bay.


Oof haha, I've heard a few things about Song to Song. I feel like Terrence Malick's earlier work is pretty highly regarded, but his recent output... not so much 😕 And nice to know I'm not entirely alone on TWBB haha. I just feel like it leaves me cold in all the wrong ways. Although that could very well be a late period vs. early period kind of thing as well. Still gotta go back and fill in a couple blanks haha.


wow...rare is the day that I see a comment about not being a fan of someone popular handled in the most mature way haha. Mad respect just for the phrasing there lol. I feel ya, Tarantino is not for everyone, and living in LA we meet a good amount who think he's overrated. Rarely hear the Pixar statement but hey at least you like The Incredibles!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:35:03 hahah those are two directors I love, BUT, can totally see why you feel that way. I'd say James Cameron's Aliens, T1 & T2 just are some of the best in cinema history, however his Avatar film hasn't really made me excited for anything else. But I get where you're coming from, especially with Wes Anderson haha. Have you seen the Honest Trailers for Every Wes Anderson movie, it is so ridiculously accurate that if one of those films truly isn't your cup of tea, odds are none of them will be lol
2018-06-19 21:22:45 hahah those are two directors I love, BUT, can totally see why you feel that way. I'd say James Cameron's Aliens, T1 & T2 just are some of the best in cinema history, however his Avatar film hasn't really made me excited for anything else. But I get where you're coming from, especially with Wes Anderson haha. Have you seen the Honest Trailers for Every Wes Anderson movie, it is so ridiculously accurate that if one of those films truly isn't your cup of tea, odds are none of them will be lol

hahah those are two directors I love, BUT, can totally see why you feel that way. I'd say James Cameron's Aliens, T1 & T2 just are some of the best in cinema history, however his Avatar film hasn't really made me excited for anything else. But I get where you're coming from, especially with Wes Anderson haha. Have you seen the Honest Trailers for Every Wes Anderson movie, it is so ridiculously accurate that if one of those films truly isn't your cup of tea, odds are none of them will be lol


Would you say they're critically acclaimed, though? I know Joel Schumacher has had some acclaimed movies in his day...like way back when haha...but Michael Bay especially isn't referred as "critically acclaimed." Either way..that's not saying we disagree with you haha. They're not that great lol


Oh I do not think Cameron makes bad films tho, its just how he approaches films does is lacking for me. And Even tho Aliens is really really good, I will always take Alien by Ridley Scott over Aliens. I think Alien is a really good example of my general preferences in films. And with Wes Anderson I think its the comedy for the most part, it has a lot of awkward situations and I do not think I like awkward comedy lol.


Haha that's definitely fair. There's a decent amount of awkward and a liberal amount of quirk in pretty much all of Wes Anderson's films, so it's gotta feel pretty inescapable if that's not your jam 😅 I tend to get that way more with mean humor - I can tolerate a certain amount, but it's a pretty easy turnoff for my taste. I think Alien vs. Aliens is a very telling litmus test for preference when it comes to a certain vein of genre films. And especially if you're someone who prefers characters to plotting, I can see Cameron overall being a bit lackluster in that regard... except Terminator 2 haha. I feel like that film does have it all. Now, Avatar on the other hand... 😅


I just really adore slow build up /slow burn approach to horror and just in general. And man the cinematography, especially first 5 min in Alien is masterclass. And I felt they dialogue was more natural in alien, while aliens had that more action Hollywood approach to dialogue. And in general when it comes to horror media, everything before they show the monster is my jam, it's just your imagination can go wild and scare you shitless. I think in general horror media usually have really awful last acts, when they show all the cards


As much as I try to be my own person, it is nice to know that others feel the same as you do. Thanks for the reassurance.


I can definitely see where you're coming from there. Especially with the bigger, more commercial horror flicks, I think there's much more of a pressure to "show the big bad!!" when, as you said, sometimes it's suggestion that's truly terrifying, because that allows it to stick inside your mind and make you wonder. There's a lot of beautiful filmmaking in the original Alien - and definitely a more refined approach to the dialogue and character stuff. Luckily the indie horror scene is thriving these days more than ever. Seems like we're never too short of something a bit more interesting these days - even if they do tend to upset the general audiences 😝