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Which One Did You Prefer?!?!


Jason Dolan

I would probably say the first one is better, but only by the slimmest of margins, so just like Han Solo rounded down for the Kessel Run, I'm rounding up and making these two movies equal, and if anything, they function as one big movie, like The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. Yes, Incredibles 2 is as good as The Godfather Part II. That's the moral to this story.

Steven Dorsey

I can't vote because I haven't seen it yet. :3


Haha I actually feel ya pretty well on that - especially the one-long-movie part. I've always appreciated the first Incredibles movie, but for whatever reason it's never been among my favorite Pixar joints, but seeing the second one and enjoying it so much sorta complimented and elevated the first in my mind. As if I was waiting for it to be complete to love it all or something haha. Now if Incredibles 3 could just avoid being Godfather 3...

Jason Dolan

I'm hoping part 3 is along the lines of Thor Ragnorak in quality. I got faith in ya, Brad.


Have you heard Brad Bird's statement on why he probably wouldn't return for a third? His opinion on how fandom has evolved lol

Jason Dolan

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he make that statement before I2 had the 8th best opening in history and could be on pace to be the highest grossing animated film of all time?

Jason Dolan

Projections for Incredibles 2 were solid, at around $130m... but projections for Solo were also $130m and we see what happened there... Bird is very close to the Star Wars people so he is seeing the fan backlash up close for that property... however, the brilliance of Incredibles 2 cannot be denied and if it makes $1.5b, I think it's safe to say there will be a BB-I3


I just saw it today and, like you expressed in your review, each film did certain things better than the other. Ultimately, I did prefer the original because the sequel’s finale fell a little flat comparatively (not the hand-to-hand combat - all that was choice👌). All I need is for part three to give me a decent time-jump now that this timeline is wrapped up in a perfect bow; I’m an absolute sucker for a good sequel-character-makeover.


Glad you enjoyed it, man!! Would definitely like to see them branch out and jump ahead if/when a third installment happens. Since the first kinda focuses in on Mr. Incredible before the whole family gets in on the action and the second is centered around Mrs. Incredible, it seems like it'd be cool to let the kids lead the next installment. That's just my two cents tho.. truth be told I'd be just as happy if this was it haha.