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We may be deep in the heart of E3 coverage, but we still found time for some TV show reactions, dammit!!

Join me as we check back in on Ed & Alphonse in a precarious scenario just beyond last week's cliffhanger!

A battle awaits...  join meeee!!


Fullmetal Alchemist



I think that was a competent episode. While the actual execution of themes was pretty clunky and surface level so far. But the actual psychology, the mindset of Alphonse being just an empty suit of armor was a good touch. Same for the conversation between Slicer and Edward. Like the creator and writers of the show actually try to use the world to explore more than mythos/lore and how it looks in combat with all these powers. There is a little bit of thought and substance put into this work that goes a little bit deeper. The skit after outro was pretty good too, its just funny how mustang gets riled up by Hughes ,lol

Ryan H

Thanks John, great reaction


I think that's the thing I've been appreciating most about this show so far - just that sense of.. thoughtfulness? I think you put it well. Beyond the mythos of the show, itself (which is certainly cool), I appreciate that they usually seem to be at least touching on bigger picture themes of some sort each episode - whether that's religion, politics, war, various ethical quandaries, etc. And the way they handle all that around your two kid protagonists makes the world they exist in feel a bit more complex and vast than a lot of shows do. Definitely with you on the Alphonse plotline. I couldn't quite get caught up in it, I guess because (unless they're about to drop a big surprise on us) I couldn't really buy into the deceit with him, if that makes sense? But likewise I think the psychological toll and what that'll probably lead to is a bright idea. And yesss haha that little button at the end tickled me. Crisp little moment of levity. Kinda hoping that dynamic low-key continues in the background haha.

Elle B.

Glad you’re still loving it John! I know it’s been a couple of eps since I jumped in the comments. (sorry!)I think this was the episode where the OST really hit me. Especially the swelling strings when Ed is confronted by envy and lust. It’s so good!


I think I kinda focus more on character psychology and how mentally they get damaged more than most people because I think it's really interesting angle to take for superpowers and stuff. And not a lot of anime have that, at least not the main focus. Same for MCU or something similar. I'm just interested in that angle in fiction in general. I think Logan did that in a fantastic way and kinda made other superhero live action media dull. lol Me ranting like that means is just i have interest in that stuff so I notice if and when at least shows tries to tackle it, hence my comment about Alphonse.


No worries!! Jump in as often as you please 😊Definitely been feeling the OST these past few episodes. Nice to notice that sort of thing in an animated show as a lot of the ones over here don't take quite the same approach. Might just have to get ahold of some of these cues! Excited for more!!

Elle B.

Akira Senju composed the OST if you decide to look it up!


I can definitely appreciate that approach. Generally I try to meet everything first for whatever it's trying to present me with, but in general I'm a fan of things that expound on the grey areas and nuances of characters (and life, by extension). Not that I don't also love a good, intricate plot (that's pretty much our thing here in Hollywood haha), but something with a good set of emotional stakes and inner-life for its characters is always very much appreciated. Part of why I've always loved Mad Men so much haha. And especially in a time with so many superhero stories, it's always like a breath of fresh air when you get one that gives its characters more than the basic ultimate-good vs. ultimate-evil scenario. Not quite as many out there as I'd like, personally, as of yet, but it does seem like we're getting there slowly but surely. And speaking of Alphonse, I actually just caught the followup to this episode today, so keep a look out for that tomorrow afternoon!


Like I am ok with Plot driven stories , but you need to make sure than I am engaged in some sort of manner since actual characters are not the focus. Then again I do think its pretty hard to write natural characters while at the same time presenting them in a way that you could care for them. And I never watched Mad Men , heard good things but I never got the elevator pitch for the show. lol