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Just finished a marathon shoot & edit (hopping back & forth all day) - we'll make sure to start getting back to messages & comments manana as well as shooting t.v. show reactions for you guys!

In the meantime, it's JOHN HUMPHREY'S BIRTHDAY so follow him @DatJohnHumphrey and shoot him a happy bday message!



Happy Birthday John!

Abdul Bhutta

Happy Birthday, John! Hope you have an awesome day 🎉

Natalie Doran

Happy Birthday John 💕 Have a great day!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Happy Birthday John!!! :3


Happy Birthday, John!!!


Happy Bday, John!!

David Gandy

Happiest of Birthdays to ya John!

Elle B.

Happy Birthday John!!

Ryan H

Happy Birthday!


Feliz Cumpleaños, John!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday John!!


Happy birthday John!!!!!!!

JN Valente (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:35:16 Sorry I missed your birthday but here is a slightly tardy: Happy birthday John! (mine was on the 13th and I almost missed that as well - DST indeed, make up your mind gigantic countries: either adopt it in all your vast area or don't do it at all Anywhere.) So a happy birthday with a rant, sorry about that... I hope you had a truly magnificent, fantastic day as you deserve and lots of prezzies/gifts/expressions of love & friendship (I add mine to those later ones) if you don't mind them. I would have sent you one but I'm kind of half-broke and stuck in Perth (Australia, not bonny Scotland). It may be the farthest I've been to you but feels just as close (or far) as when I called Europe my home. P.S. Pretty sure I must have missed Greg's b-day too unless you haven't had one since I started Patreonizing.. being a Patron-O-Ject which seems unlikely as I've been pestering you since... Oh good, only 9 months. But I probably missed it anyway. ANYWAY, I hope you had the most wonderful of Birthdays John!!!
2018-06-15 20:02:19 Sorry I missed your birthday but here is a slightly tardy: Happy birthday John! (mine was on the 13th and I almost missed that as well - DST indeed, make up your mind gigantic countries: either adopt it in all your vast area or don't do it at all Anywhere.) So a happy birthday with a rant, sorry about that... I hope you had a truly magnificent, fantastic day as you deserve and lots of prezzies/gifts/expressions of love & friendship (I add mine to those later ones) if you don't mind them. I would have sent you one but I'm kind of half-broke and stuck in Perth (Australia, not bonny Scotland). It may be the farthest I've been to you but feels just as close (or far) as when I called Europe my home. P.S. Pretty sure I must have missed Greg's b-day too unless you haven't had one since I started Patreonizing.. being a Patron-O-Ject which seems unlikely as I've been pestering you since... Oh good, only 9 months. But I probably missed it anyway. ANYWAY, I hope you had the most wonderful of Birthdays John!!!

Sorry I missed your birthday but here is a slightly tardy: Happy birthday John! (mine was on the 13th and I almost missed that as well - DST indeed, make up your mind gigantic countries: either adopt it in all your vast area or don't do it at all Anywhere.) So a happy birthday with a rant, sorry about that... I hope you had a truly magnificent, fantastic day as you deserve and lots of prezzies/gifts/expressions of love & friendship (I add mine to those later ones) if you don't mind them. I would have sent you one but I'm kind of half-broke and stuck in Perth (Australia, not bonny Scotland). It may be the farthest I've been to you but feels just as close (or far) as when I called Europe my home. P.S. Pretty sure I must have missed Greg's b-day too unless you haven't had one since I started Patreonizing.. being a Patron-O-Ject which seems unlikely as I've been pestering you since... Oh good, only 9 months. But I probably missed it anyway. ANYWAY, I hope you had the most wonderful of Birthdays John!!!


Thanks, Sara!! 😆 I dunno why, but for whatever reason the :3 smiley face always makes me giggle haha, so bonus points!!


Appreciate it, Teej! (This is the phonetical spelling I've worked out in my head - and that's MY gift to YOU lol)


Really appreciate it, man! And thanks so much again for the gift package!! Super thoughtful and totally unexpected :)


Thank you, dear!! For this comment, I'm going to pretend the B in your name stands for "Birthday." 😝


Thanks, Ryan!! Much like I did for Elle above, I'm going to pretend the H in YOUR name stands for "Happybirthday" 😝


Neeraj!! Thanks, man!! 😊 Next time I/we make it out Eastward, I shall not miss another opportunity to hang with you!


Muchas gracias, Teanna! For whatever reason, it's been ages since I've read the words in Spanish and I think it's really pretty for whatever reason? ...so gracias, as well, for that!! 😄


Thanks a bunch, man!! As I read this, I'm imagining you singing the words in harmony. 😇


Thanks so much, Rosa!! I will give you a proper hug in return at the event in a couple weeks - hold me to it!! 😊


Hey man, it's all good! I'm always slightly tardy to celebrating my own birthday, it seems like (if I celebrate it outright at all), so the thought alone, no matter the time, is very much appreciated - and, in turn, a happy belated birthday to you!! Perhaps next year we can rally our forces and collectively ask for the world to make its damn mind up about where and when DST is in effect. Only together can we figure out what time it REALLY is!! (which actually reminds me, there's a pretty hilarious sketch on the subject circulating around YouTube - it's like a fake movie trailer, look that up!!) And no worries! It's a present enough just to hear from you on another of your adventures. At least for the time-being, you can now be technically counted among our Aussie Patrons, so hey, you're in good company! And no worries about the G-Train's bday. If you signed up in April, you would've missed the one, but fear not - it'll be back again in September!! Anyhow, thanks again man! Always happy to hear from you and really appreciate the kind words!! Stay safe down under!!