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Sooo, we woke up this morning to a buzz at the door, and who should come walking up, but a delivery man with a package from our friend & fellow Patron-O-Ject, Mr. DAVID GANDY!!!

We've said it once and we'll say it again - y'all are some of the kindest, most thoughtful people we've ever had the pleasure of getting to know on this wild journey-

Which isn't to say everyone needs to run out and buy us gifts or anything, but consistently, the level of thoughtfulness - big & small - that runs through our little Patreon community is really, really wonderful and quite moving.

Appreciate y'all for being here, thanks for all your support and for being who you are each as individuals, and today to Mr. David Gandy for the lovely (and incredibly useful) birthday gift!!!


David Gandy Unboxing Gift



Omg this video image!!! 😍 Happy Belated John!


Hahaha when I was scrubbing the timeline for a thumbnail, it became very clear very quickly that this was the ONLY thumbnail worthy of this video 😝 Haha glad you approve and thanks so much for the Birthday wishes!!! 😊😊😊


At first glance, it's a slow lean in kiss. 😘 Second glance, I see the jealousy in his eyes and he stares into the box wondering, "where's mine?"


Haha just as a natural romance can so quickly devolve into jealousy. 😝 Come September if anyone sends a gift over for Greg we'll have to find a way to recreate this in reverse!!