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For those of you on Tier 4 and 5, you may already be aware that I've been working on a quick experimental project encompassing some in-story size changing, gentle giantess, and some other stuff.

So...for some reason, my main PC crashed last week. I thought it was just going to be a quick fix since it came out of nowhere, but almost a week later it's still not booting. Unfortunate enough to have two different computers, and know a little about PC building, so I pulled out the hard drive and connected it to my second computer so I can keep working... And the files won't render. I have no idea why, but I'm going to keep working on it. Sadly, the last successful render was actually during the vore section, a pretty terrible cliffhanger!

There's about 90 images that are complete, with tons of them that need to be either re-rendered or cleaned up and some aspect, but if I'm not able to get one of these computers going on rendering in the next couple of days, I will likely just drop the whole project here for everyone and cut my losses, no speech bubbles, just raw files. I don't want to do that, but I've been spending my wheels on it for a little longer than I probably should for an experiment with lighting. By no means am I disappointed with the project, I think it looks really good and a lot of ways, but the rendering itself is definitely rough around the edges in a way that it's usually not acceptable for me.

Anyway, I said I was going to be more regular with updates, so expect some kind of update by the end of this week!



I actually do have a NAS! I use it to back up files, and would like to edit scenes from the NAS as well, but that requires pretty fast internet to be able to do that effectively. Right now I do everything locally, and then drop the files onto the NAS in a separate folder. The problem this time, unfortunately, is not related to having access to the files, but something about the way that Daz is handling them after pulling them down. No data has been lost fortunately!


understandable U.E. I Do hope everything works out.