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Hey everyone! I was working on this project and as I mentioned in previous posts, some unfortunately circumstances caused me to be unable to finish this one, and I have a busy month next month, so I can't push it out a few weeks.

*Please let me emphasize that these renders do not meet my standards!* Many of these would have required re-rendering (very grainy images, character features such as eyes not rendering properly). Additionally, it ends up a pretty rough cliff hanger that will likely go unfinished. If you don't like cliffhangers with no ending, you will probably not be happy about where this ends, especially vore fans.

That said, I still enjoy the concept and thought it was worth sharing. There's no speech bubbles, but here's a synopsis of the story.

Keith (shrunken protagonist) was shrunken in a science experiment. He spent some time a doctor, but since insurance couldn't cover his experimental remedies, he moved in with the doctor and her two adult daughters Bridget (blonde hair) and Morgan (blue hair). After a couple weeks of treatment at the doctor's home, Keith is still about an inch tall, and begins dating Morgan. Bridget was never a huge fan of Keith, and starts bullying him, constantly pretending to not notice him or endanger his life. Bridget is able to convince her sister that it's always a mistake, despite Keith's protests.

This is where the story starts! Morgan and Keith, having just taken a walk through the city together, walk into the kitchen with some playful and flirt talk. Bridget notices this and interrupts the couple, then convinces Bridget to leave Keith alone with her. Bridget has been studying under her mother and assisting in a limited capacity to her mother's work, and has discovered a few things she wants to bring up to Keith. Morgan leaves for the moment, and Keith and Bridget share a few words.

Bridget immediately turns to her more aggressive side, accusing Keith of not being honest with Morgan. She presses him into the counter with a finger, and Keith complains about the way her hands smell...which Bridget takes offense to. As the two argue, Bridget reveals that someone had called her mother looking for Keith, and after some digging, believes that this person is Keith's actual girlfriend, not an ex-girlfriend like he'd told Morgan. Keith denies this, but Bridget reveals that the girl, Jess, is actually with them, and if he confesses to Morgan that he was dating both women, that Jess could go home safe. Keith is obviously confused, and asks where Jess is, to which Bridget replies:

"Oh, I'm sure she's somewhere... underfoot".

Coincidentally, Jess can be seen on the kitchen floor, having barely survived being stepped on by Morgan earlier, and now stands at the sandal-clad feet of the woman who shrunk her, using the results of the study from Keith's shrinking. Jess continues to scream for help, while trying not to be crushed alive.

Keith shares a few spicy words with Bridget, who finally has had enough, and drops Keith, who believes he is going to fall to the floor and break every bone in his body. Instead, he lands on a hot dog that Bridget had kept conspicuously hidden. Keith, covered in hot dog toppings, looks up at Bridget, and the following conversation occurs.

"What the fuck, Bridget? A hotdog? Are you planning to eat me alive? Since when did you become an actual man-eater?" Keith slopped off some of the ketchup and mustard from his arms, and push a chest-sized chunk of pickle from the relish off of his leg. Bridget giggled, leaning in close, her shadow darkening the plate, and the tiny man covered in hot dog toppings.

"Oh, this isn't my lunch. This is for Morgan. Doesn't this look like all of her favorites?" Bridget's grin widened.

"She's going to be pretty pissed when she finds me stuck in her food, and not at me, she knows I'm not that dumb. It's not like she won't see me, I'm still a little over an inch tall."

"Ah, you're right little Keith. I guess if I don't want you running your mouth to my sister, I should make you...a little smaller."

"...what? Smaller?! Since when can you do that?!"

"Since my mom isolated the cause of your shrinking...let's just say that when she asked me to send off the samples for further testing, not all of those vials made it to their intended destination."

"...that smell. That's why you were so handsy with me earlier! Your hands were covered in that stuff! How are you not shrinking?!" Keith began to panic as he felt the world around him, and the hot dog he was standing on, get larger.

"Because my mom isn't an idiot, and after a few tests, we all shared an antidote. It doesn't reverse the shrinking though...just stops it from happening. Haha."

"You bitch! How small are you going to make me?"

"Who knows? Small enough that Morgan's never going to find a cheating boyfriend running for his life on her hot dog. You did always say you liked her lips...I guess you can find out what the rest of her mouth is like huh? And maybe a little beyond! Have fun in my sister's stomach, you fucking cheater."

Keith continues to shrink until the chunks of pickles and onions that used to be the size of his chest become the size of single-family home, small enough that the lines of ketchup and mustard are like huge, swampy lines of sauces. Soon, he's so small that even Bridget has trouble seeing him.

"Imagine being so tiny you get lost in your girlfriend's hotdog condiments." Bridget says, looking up just in time to notice Morgan returning, now wearing mismatched socks instead of the thick red boots from earlier.

Jess, still on the floor and having heard Bridget, has second thoughts about getting her attention, now that she knows she's being held as a prisoner. She was just about to climb on Bridget's sandal to avoid being stepped on, when Bridget moves, and Jess narrowly avoids being crushed under Morgan's sock-clad feet. As Morgan walks by, she debates with herself on trying to catch up to her. Even if she is Keith's new fling, she's a lot safer than Bridget, and she's wearing cotton socks, which would be easier to climb. But her jealousy is still there.

Above, Bridget turns to Morgan, offering her the lunch she made for her, which Morgan becomes very excited about, and immediately grabs one of the potato chips, making Keith realize that he is definitely too small to be noticed, stuck in the condiments, and too tiny to be seen within the toppings.  Morgan asks about Keith however, but Bridget lies about Keith having just received a dosage of his treatment, and being asleep. Morgan writes it off for now, mentioning that she'll check on Keith after lunch, and sits down.

The two sisters begin to talk, and Morgan lifts her hot dog to her mouth, opening it wide enough to reveal the inside to Keith, who begins begging for his massive, hungry, clueless girlfriend not to eat him.


...And that's where it ends. The next renders were to be of Morgan biting into the hot dog, narrowly missing her boyfriend. I had to change the scene set up quite to get close ups of her teeth, and something about those scenes just wasn't working, I think it was too much for my secondary PC (the one I normally render on was/is out of commission), so after a week of trying, I had to move on. I think I was planning to have Keith get eaten in the next bite, switch back to Jess, and either have her climbing Morgan's socks, only to be crushed, or caught by Bridget and also fed to Morgan, and the two of them share an intimate scene in Morgan's stomach.

I'd also considered doing a follow-up to this story where the sisters' mom (the doctor/scientist) finds out about the whole situation, shrinks Bridget, and forces her to get eaten by Morgan as well, so she can rescue the two of them, you know, because having your patient eaten alive by your daughter might end up in a malpractice lawsuit, and it's also kind of rude. 

Morgan remains clueless the whole time, while her mom keeps trying to convince her not to check on Keith, because Keith is obviously not just in the next room sleeping at this point. Alternatively, Bridget might have confessed her crimes to Morgan and framed it as being protective of her, and Morgan finds a way to shrink Bridget, then swallows her alive as well, again, because what Bridget did is absolutely attempted murder of the first degree. In her stomach, Bridget and Jess get into a fist fight while fighting on chewed pieces of Morgan's lunch. It's not impossible to revisit those ideas.

I bought some new, high-quality hot dog and the other food assets specifically for this project, because a lot of Daz food assets look pretty generic and textureless when rendered up close and at such huge sizes, and spent about $100 on them, so if only to recoup that money, you might expect another story or animation with hotdogs, chips, or waffle bites in them sometime soon.

So yeah! Probably not going to advertise for this one since it's not really my greatest work, and many of the renders are just completely unacceptable, and I would have redone the whole scene. Sorry everyone! 

Regardless, I hope you enjoy, and I'll have more on what's upcoming soon!


As usual, do not upload or redistribute this content in any form or fashion. Please don't make me use DMCA to protect my content! It makes me sad.  :( Files are hosted as a .rar archive on Google, you will need to download the file, the unzip/decompress it using a software like Winrar.

Download - Fed Up 




I Still think its pretty good, I hope your computer also can get fixed and its an very cool story.

T Taylor

I still enjoyed this very much. I like the story and I hope to see more of “tiny boyfriend, giant girlfriend” type stories in the future.


I thought I put in some pretty decent back up systems, and they got tested! Time to implement even more haha.