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Hey everyone!

I'm really trying to do better on communication and updates, but it's hard! I'm going to try to do at least once a week updates, even if it's just a few sentences on what I'm working on and how things are going. I don't like committing to release dates because it puts a lot of pressure on me to deliver on time, or delay the project and piss everyone off. Content Consumed was delayed by almost 24 hours because the final export required more RAM than I could give it (I have 64 Gigs of Ram in my main render machine, most people only have 16, and it STILL wasn't enough!) so I had to export it in small parts and reassemble the individual videos again.

Anyway, there's some pictures above! This is a quick project I thought I'd try to experiment with lighting and try some themes I haven't done much with, such as aware, gentle giantess content, slightly larger shrunken people, and mean or cruel women. Don't worry! The story still boils down to my core favorites, micro/nano-sized tiny people, unaware, clueless women, and lots of feet and vore. It's just a unique way of getting there, at least for me! And yes, this is a story/comic, not an animation! Taking a quick break from animating to learn some new software and such. Forgive some of the weird lighting, grainy images or overexposed textures, trying something new :)

So yeah! Enjoy the teaser-esque WIPs, and more soon!




That looks really awesome!!! Will be waiting for it ^^ And just out of curiosity, are you planning on continuing cereal projekt in the near future or do you want to explore some new story concepts? Cause I have to admit... I'm really hoping for part 4 x)


More nano size men pls!!!


I will continue it! I just want to finish it right, and I got a little burnt out on it. No promises on when just yet, but if you have ideas or thoughts, I'm always open to listen!