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I'm going to keep things nice and short on this first report of the new year.

Not a single thing went to plan during the month of December and I am sorry about that. Nonetheless, I'm feeling very refreshed and motivated right now, I've been hard at work since returning from visiting family over the holidays.

I have managed to fix the issues with part 2 and now I'm just waiting on some tweaked renders/anis to finish.
Part 2 will be uploaded as soon as things are ready. Which will be very soon.
I will let you guys know the instant I start uploading the update on discord as well as in the comments on this post + the new years post.
I know you guys want a release date or something equivalent but after the fiasco behind the December dates I'm going to refrain from sharing what I currently have planned. Just know that I'm talking days, not weeks.

Part 3 will follow shortly after part 2's release.
These parts will be made available to all tiers as they are released.
(Thought about releasing the parts together but I want to get something out asap as I've made the wait entirely too long.)

Getting these remaining parts out is my only goal at this current moment.
Further goals for January include catching up on side content and hopefully releasing some of Episode 14 but it's early days so I can't promise anything but that's my current aspiration.

I hope everyone is having a pleasant start to their new year!
But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care. Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!




awesome - Thanks for the update - Keep up the great work


I went to replay the last update again and i forgot to mention how much i appereiciate you not forgetting key characters such as Zoey and Skylar, All the girls are important but the key detail to them following up and showing intrests in there last encounters with the MC, very good work, so good that it has me fiening for more.