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I just wanted to say a quick happy new year and I wanted to give an update on things to come. I'm back home after my trip to visit family and my focus is on getting the rest of Episode 13 out to you guys.  
I have paused pledges for January as well as I was not able to work on the update nearly as much as I had hoped while I was away due to a number of things but I'm back at full force now.    

Dev Reports will start back this upcoming Saturday.
I'll give everyone a heads up on Discord and in the comments here whenever I'm uploading the second part of E13 as well as the third part of E13.   

With that said... I hope you all had a lovely holiday. I'm feeling very refreshed and I'm ready to get some stuff done. Talk to you guys soon!




Id love to see some Kimmy love relationship, dat girl needs to chill XD


I was charged for January. Is there anyway to get a refund?

Stephen Hyde

@braindrop not sure if he will see the tag though your better off messaging him through patreon or on discord