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Well, I'm sorta at a point where I don't have many teasers left without getting into heavy spoiler areas. (And about the image, don't worry. Rach leaves the sauna before things get too hot since preg women shouldn't let their core temp get too high.)
So, unofficial dev report time. 😁

Just to try to be transparent about this next update. I was aiming for this past Wednesday-Thursday to be the release date in the last report.
The earlier delays were based on a compiling issue but that hasn't been the "problem" as of late.
The recent hold-up has been me tweaking some stuff to the Rachael scene as well as some of the spa stuff and what I'm currently working on is adding / tweaking the end of the second part as I am not very happy with the transition into an important scene.

I'm a tinkerer of the 5th degree and I often try and use release dates to trick my brain into "release" mode where I can focus on the tidying up and testing instead of additions and changes. This issue isn't as bad now that I've finalized the settings and characters at WVM but it's been a pretty major issue with all of the new settings and characters during the Florida trip.
Luckily, the trip is coming to an end and things will hopefully improve in that area.
Also the next week to two weeks of in-game time is mostly focused on training. I don't plan on showing too much of that besides some transitional recap stuff so time will skip ahead a little bit soon.

But yeah, I've always tried setting harsh release dates to get my brain into the mode it needs to be in to release an update. Early on I had no issues releasing something completely broken with 50 typos and 20 errors. I aint built like that anymore.
I'm not going for perfect, I just have to like it. I make this game for me.
But the release dates almost always bite me in the ass as situations like the current one can occur where I'm a month behind on a release and stress is very high and I feel a ton of pressure and all of that good stuff which just exacerbates the main issue and it just feeds into itself.

I don't know the solution, I'm trying different things... seeing what helps, seeing what hurts.
I'll be pausing pledges until I'm back in a rhythm. I apologize for the frustrations I've caused. That is never my goal. Trust me, I'm trying. I just suck at it right now... and for quite a while.
I know the current situation isn't acceptable, I'm making no excuses for it. This is not good enough, not even close.

I'll let you know that I'm aiming for around Wednesday again this week. I'll give an update on Tuesday on how that is going.
Thank you very much for sticking with me. Though I fully understand and support anyone who cancels their pledge right now. This is not good enough and I do not deserve your money or your time.
All updates up until the end of Day 38 will be available to all former patrons via the discord. This has already been a thing but I wanted to restate it here.
I have the best job in the world and I have to be better at it. That's all there is to it.
This is not meant to be self-flagellation. I'm just aware of the reality of the situation and I'm humiliated by it.

Thank you for reading this, thank you for being here.
I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna figure things out.
I hope you have a good week, take care.

(There has been an issue with patreon charging some people despite pledges being paused these last couple of months. Please check to see if you were charged and please send me a message directly here on patreon to let me know asap so I can send you a refund!)




Please don't beat yourself up over the delays, and definitely don't let it cause you to be stressed. The level of interaction you have with us is 2nd to none, and personally I'd rather you be happy with a release, than you releasing something half assed (like other devs do) just because you had a deadline to meet.

Tommy Johnson

I am a part of the Discord and i didn't tell you about it to have you refund me issues are something you have no control over and you still need an income coming in My Friend i don't mind supporting the best developers in the industry

Edward Robson

Hey man, don't beat your self up so much, from what I see you are the most honest developer ice followed, you send out alot of updates so your followers aren't left in the dark if I got charged it would bother me, would I like to keep playing this off course but I'm willing to wait for the updates because you do great work this is by far the best game out with a great story as well


I did get charged but you haven't charged us in months. You deserve something for your hard work

Robrth Tapia

Does anyone know what happened with the update, has anyone said anything on discord?

Finnish Master

My suggestion would be that when it seems that your releases are in danger of slipping instead of trying to get to a new "natural cut off" look at what you already have and are happy with and find a suitable cut off from there.