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Before we get started, the release date is still March 13th. This is not a delay post.
As promised earlier, any further delays will result in pledges being paused.

BD and I have been discussing everything.
BD is in the best head space I've seen him in since I've started working for him.
We're feeling very confident that this is where we turn the corner.

We've talked a lot about everything we've done wrong. We've also talked a lot about his habit of backing himself into strange corners.
The largest one as of late is planning on releasing his largest update yet and insisting that everything be absolutely final.
We consistently thought we were nearing the end and we used that to justify the never ending 1-2 week delays. "It's been this long, so it's not a huge deal to wait 10 more days."
We've received a lot of feedback over the months and we want to act on some of the things that were recommended to us.

In case you don't know, this update will be 2500-ish renders.
For context, there are currently around 11000 renders in the game so this update will be around a 22% increase in size of the game.

One major mistake we made throughout all of this was taking away the input from our players.
It's been a very long time since we've asked how you want to receive this update.
There's still 8 days until the release and while BD does need that much time to finish his tweaks, there's a lot of update that is ready to go.
This update splits into thirds rather nicely. There's a scene with Jamie and Shauna along with prepping for the exhibition game, then there is the exhibition game, then there are the events at the home afterwards.

So, we're posing the question.
Do you want to receive the update in 3 chunks over the next 8 days or all at once in 8 days?
(Any event where all 2500 renders are not released by the 13th will result in pledges being paused.)
(BD and I are completely on board with whatever is chosen. We do not have a preference.)

Each chunk will be around 800 renders long.
The first chunk being the scene with Jamie and Shauna. It's ready to go. If the chunks are chosen this would likely release on the 7th due to us wanting to give the poll time so people have time to vote.
Second chunk being the exhibition game which would likely release on the 10th or 11th. BD is still editing images as well as tweaking renders but he will be finished with that by the 10th or 11th.
Third chunk being the stuff at the home. (Which is largely girl dependent. If you're on this girl's path your update will be decently longer than if you're not but that goes for most updates.) And that would release on the 13th.
Each chunk does include a lewd scene.

Or we stick to the plan that was in place of releasing it all on the 13th.
Once again, we're happy with either choice. BD has gotten past his strange need to release this all at once, he's on board with anything.
We just wanted to give a choice after this very long wait. The very, very, very least we could do.

And once again just so this isn't seen as "They're just going to release a chunk and then delay the rest and use that to unpause pledges."
(Any event where all 2500 renders are not released by the 13th will result in pledges being paused.)
(Results will be combined between Patreon/SS)