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Braindrop here.

This is a delay post but not a full delay post.
Tomorrow there will be a release of 1700 renders and 25 animations. This is not the full update as I am adding a scene and I was unable to finish it in time for the 13th. Pledges will be paused and the rest of the update will release in the coming days.

This was not a panic add and it was not anything mental health related.
As we've finally been closing the book on this fucked up chapter of the development of WVM we've began serious planning on future scenes and I had what I consider to be a great idea for an upcoming scene.
That scene requires a lead up scene and that is what is currently being worked into the game.
It may be viewed that adding a scene at this point is completely idiotic and I wouldn't disagree. Most of my decisions as of late have been idiotic.
But I have one goal in mind and that is to climb myself out of this massive pit I've dug myself into and one of the causes that led to where we are today has been poor planning... which is why so many changes were made throughout the development of Day 10/32. I do not want to move into the new content with a big unknown on how we're going to work something in.
We know we just held a poll and 4 out of 5 people said they did not want this update broken into chunks and I do deeply apologize for backtracking on that. We would keep it all as one update if it hadn't already gone through so many delays.
After everything that has happened we want to get through this update more than anyone else but we also want to take the steps to make sure we don't end up right back here and while this is only a chunk of the entire update, it is still the second largest release I've ever had... falling behind the pool party of Day 9 by 100 renders and 10 animations. And releasing something is still a huge change of pace from where things have been.
I set the date of the 13th and it's my fault for not hitting it. I tried to utilize the time I had to make the addition as fun as possible but I went a little overboard.

The remaining update that will release in the days following the 13th will be around 1000 renders and another 20 animations. It will release as soon as I am finished with the add-on scene. No further additions.
April 3rd will still be the beginning of our beta releases.
Side content may be delayed a few days from our original target dates but everything planned to release this month will be released this month.
I do not have a planned date for the remainder of this update... I have irl commitments that I do not currently know how much time they'll take from me so I do not feel comfortable giving a firm date.
I will say that I envision it realistically releasing around the 15th-20th.

That's it for the important information. I would like to take a moment to talk about my change in mentality as of late.
I'm not saying this to garner sympathy... I was the bad guy and my actions were not positive.
During the delay last month that was caused by the mental state I was in... I had hit a very low, low. Like everyone else I had stresses that piled up and they got to me.
But I'm grateful that happened... sometimes you have to hit your bottom before you can start building back.
It sorta woke me up... made me see the reality of my actions. No one wants to think they're the bad guy... but you don't have to have bad intentions to be bad.
I realized I had deluded myself to an insane degree... a degree to which I don't know how I let myself get to or how I let myself stay there for so long.
I take mental health seriously... and I think it's totally fine that I took the time I needed but I really fucked up by continuing to take pledges while not releasing anything. I also fucked up by constantly giving hard dates that I wasn't ready to hit.
And deep down I knew I wasn't ready... but out of fear or just straight incompetence I kept making the same mistakes over and over and things kept getting worse and worse. It led to me gaslighting Mackenzie all the time and I feel awful about it.
I tried venting out hoping people would understand where my head was at but like I said... I was deluded... not in reality.
I had become the thing I hated and that's a hard fucking pill to swallow.
But once I finally did the path forward became pretty obvious.

No matter how much I want to,  I can't go back and change anything, I'm deeply ashamed and embarrassed about my actions but all I can do is take those experiences and use them to grow.
I am very fortunate to be given another chance. I do not take that lightly.
The best apology I can give is to continue making content. You guys are here to play and enjoy the game WVM, not read apologies. And if you're just here to witness a trainwreck... I hope you found the events of the past 2 years entertaining, I'm glad some form of enjoyment came from all of this shit I guess but I'm doing everything I can to put this bitch back on the rails.
Also no hard feelings, I used to enjoy watching shit crash and burn too.
Not fun on this end but I deserved it and it's about to end.

Fuck large releases. As much as I wish they were a development path that worked for me... they're just not.
I tried a lot to get it to work but by far my worst times as a developer was before the pool party release and now.
Once the betas begin I'm just going to make the game and Mackenzie will pack up and release things. Our target is still 52 small beta updates in 52 weeks. From April-April.
I still plan to stay off of patreon / SS after this release and let Mackenzie handle it... but I do think I'll continue to be around in the discord... mainly in shitposty channels or #sports though, not sure how much I'll talk about the game.

One good thing that came from all of the shit was the fact that we're actually in a very good position now moving forward. There's a shit ton of planned content and scenes and sets that have already been made that we can utilize to our advantage moving forward.

All I can say now is that I'm thankful for all of the chances I have been afforded. I don't deserve another one but here I am and I'm going to make the most of it.
Mackenzie will have an update on our plans for the Month 1 redo in the next mind drop on the 22nd.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.



Good job, still not enough to merit my full gratitude or anyone who's been lied to by you regardless of the situation but very good job, you might not ever read this but just know the story is a lot more enticing then just "fucking" everything in sight, it makes it better sure but not why i personally enjoy WVM, hope you keep your word in the future since as a man, your word is everything or nothing at all, excuses are for children unless with specific exceptions of things that come first such as family and health.


though i appreciate that you are being honest, you mention that exceptions are family and health, this term health includes mental health and he has brought up mental health issues as well as physical health issues for almost ALL of the delays. I'm still playing through this because i started from the beginning myself (i didn't have a save unfortunately) and it's a great deal of content for a first time download. and so many don't realize that even the almost 1300 renders he did provide is a great deal of content for the new things.


Mental health isn't and never will be a reason for delay in my book, Family and health issues that physically are effecting your ability to work are excusable reasons since they need immediate attention but overall still add to the lack of content and lack of words being kept, its like if a bridge was under construction, sure rain makes it hard for the workers to work in and then maybe its too hot to be outside for long periods of non-stop work and what not which are good excuses but at the end of the day, that bridge still needs to be built. that's why i can understand it but i will not pretend this is even a fraction of what we all deserve but if he can keep up this non existence pace of constant content he keeps preaching about then well see.


Interesting that mental health isn't an excuse to you, when its the single most important thing on a large project like this. If you aren't in the right headspace, quality takes a nosedive. If you aren't motivated to work on it, forcing yourself to do it anyway will just make you hate the project even more until you want to burn the whole thing in a dumpster rather than look at it ever again. It might also cause you to stop caring altogether and just dump out low quality work because you can no longer be bothered to put in any effort. Ive been there before. If his mental health is tanked long enough, its possible that cancelling the project ends up on the table. Then what? You waited cynically and raged about the delays all this time for nothing. You need to learn that mental health is just as important as physical. If you cant handle waiting any more, then cancel your sub and be done with it. Stop coming around just to throw a temper tantrum because you don't care if the creator isn't in a good headspace. I will be sticking around because i like the game and i can be patient. If i didn't like the reasons for the constant delays, i would walk away and cancel without a word. It would not be worth my time hanging around and whining constantly. I'll just find another game to play. I get that people are frustrated, but that is no excuse to be an a-hole. Either support, or walk away. Stop dumping your frustration and negativity on the rest of us. It does not help the fanbase in any way.