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Okay, so I said in the last post that it would be my personal last for the year...
Well, I'm back for one more since I realized I didn't want to leave it off on that note.

I took some time away from the internet, and will be continuing to do so for the near future.
I'm actually feeling a lot better, I feel way more "in control". Not really stressing too hard and that's pretty new for me.
Feels like I let a lot of weight off my shoulders and like my brain isn't all fogged up anymore.

I want to try again, I want to set a release date and try and hit it.
I feel like it could do me a lot of good to get past that personal challenge that has locked me up for way too long.

The release date is March 13th. Same tier timings as before.
MVP/HoF - 12pm EST
All Star - 2pm EST
Starter - 4pm EST
Sixth-Man - 6pm EST
Bench-Warmer - 8pm EST
Fan - 10pm EST
Former Patrons - 12am EST (03/14)

I spent the last post trying to explain why my mental state was the way it was at the time and it was a very negative note to leave on.

So, before I dip I'd like to talk a bit about the game.

WVM is a passion project for me. I am super incredibly lucky to be able to work on something fun and something I enjoy working on as a job.
I've come to the realization that I have been taking that for granted and that's mainly due to the stress I was under and me feeling out of tune with the development of the game.

Things have improved a lot and part of me stepping away is so I can focus on the fun since I think that's what makes for the best WVM.

WVM will not be cancelled and there will be no second game until WVM is completely finished. (It still has a long way to go.)

My goal with WVM is to make a fun and mostly carefree game.
There's some drama but I try to keep it isolated.
It's a game about a bunch of ladies and giving them babies. (Mostly optional)

On top of themes already present, there will be a lot of girl-girl action in the future (Optional).
Obviously pregnancy is planned. (Mostly optional)(Outside of Alexis in the beginning, a good way to tell is if there's an option to pull out or not.)(Only creampie if you want them to get pregnant, yes this tip and trick works in real life too.)
and there will be a lot of group play (Only girls besides the MC), as well as a lot of stranger play. (All optional)
No other guys will be involved ever in any sex scenes. There will be more trans characters though their involvement with other girls will be entirely optional.
Obviously no NTR, though there is some jealous-play amongst some of the girls using the MC. Not really sure how that's classified. (Some girls will try and make other girls jealous, not the MC)
All girls (Outside of the ones patreon doesn't allow) will be romanceable. (Yes that includes Harper and Skye.)

I know the extent of my fuck ups recently has been vast and I know I have a long way to go to get out of the hole I dug myself into.

I know I've lost a lot of people that fucked with me on my downward spiral and there's no one to blame but myself and I'm cool with that.
I hope my actions in the future will bring some of them back.

If you're someone who doesn't fuck with me anymore, then I'd just like to extend an apology for the way my actions have effected you.
I do feel much more clear headed than before. I do believe this is the turning point.

And if you're someone who still fucks with me through everything. Then that's really fucking cool and I'm very thankful to have you in my corner.
Gonna try and prove the believers right. Gonna give it my all.

I appreciate the fact that I'm able to have another opportunity after I've squandered very many of them. I appreciate everyone's patience and I hope you enjoy the update.

I'm sure Mackenzie will give updates on me every now and then in the Mind Drops but for now that's all I have to say.

Thanks again for everything,

Mackenzie here now.

I'm going to give our goal dates for the side content we plan on catching up to after the update. We may be off by a few days but these are our target dates.

Favorite girl from the update poll - March 15th
Up to date character sheets - March 19th
Rachael Client poll - March 20th
Birthday renders (July-December) - March 25th (January-April will be posted in April)
First beta build will be on - April 3rd.

The other things we plan to achieve in March is:

Restructuring the tiers to match the new update plan
Making new graphics for the patreon / SS
Making new graphics to help illustrate progress in future Mind Drops
and Making new emotes for the Discord.

As Braindrop mentioned, I will still be around making the posts and I will do my best to keep you all informed about the development of the game.

We've done a very poor job of communicating what exactly is being worked on and how long things will take. This is mainly due to every post being about delays.

Future Mind Drops will include render and animation counts, previews of those renders, overall update progress with an estimated % amount completed, and any additional relevant information.

I also have a copy of the update in my possession so there are contingencies in place in case Braindrop has a change of heart.

When the update is released I do have an ask of the community.
If you don't enjoy it, please express yourself as you normally would.
But if you do enjoy it, I'd ask for you to express that with a simple message. Just something for Brain to see if and when he pops his head in.

Mind Drops will continue on March 22nd.

Have a good one everyone, take care.



Meh, to much of Span between updates, currently get a update once every 5 to 6 months , 1 dollar is most I'm willing to give, mind drops probley should stop doing them or hire another developer, clearly BD can't handle that and doing the teaser mind drops, so if he refuses to hire another developer then put out teasers after the update, so the game stops being delayed, I'd be shocked if the new update comes out on march 13th.

Finnish Master

As long as the tone stays the same I'm happy. Too often these games force drama inside the harem which automatically breaks the feel. Or worse yet masquerade as a Harem game and then make you choose between girls just to add required replays. If the story is enjoyable then I'll happily replay it even if it's linear just as I reread books an re-watch movies.