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So we currently have a Norwegian Black Metal band's frontwoman that has a rebellious personality type and a totally on the nose viking-esque hairstyle... and her name is Ingrid.

Before picking her name we picked her hairstyle and now it's time to pick a color.
(I initially said I'd pick between red and blonde but after thinking about it some more I want to include black)

(Using a blank model just to showcase the hair without any other factors influencing a choice.)
(There are some clipping issues but don't worry about those. I just didn't morph the hair specifically for this base model.)

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:



We need another red head in the game big time! Lol… I was always a sucker for a red head.


Why does Option A immediately make me think of Aloy from Horizon (Zero Dawn and Forbidden West)