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Hope you're all doing well, I'm going to do my best to not type a book this time. 😁
I mainly just want to talk about what I asked in recent polls and how I'll handle some upcoming stuff.
It's been a strange week where I've planned out a ton of future stuff and also a whole bunch of other stuff so let's talk about some of it.

  I'm not going to pause pledges
I'm going to be completely honest. I was 100% planning on pausing this month if I didn't have a release. I put out the poll about "how would you guys handle this next release?" and I was rather shocked by the results.
Firstly I expected a higher demand for the short release since I get messaged the most about those, which was why I was planning the one for before this month was over.
Secondly I never expected 90% of you to say not to pause pledges. I expected maybe a 65/35 split but 90/10? That's insane.

And to be as transparent as I can be, I would still pause if it was just me but I have people I am responsible to care for and I have to factor that into my decision.
I said those polls wouldn't decide anything but it's kind of difficult to look past both full releases and not pausing having the overwhelming majority of support.

I've always had this weird thing where I want to pause if there isn't a release but the recent polls showed me that you guys prefer longer releases anyway so that's something I'll have to deal with and get over. I'm always working even if there isn't a release for months and the sizes of past releases should show that. It's just a strange mental hurdle for me.

  How will I handle future releases and this upcoming one?
Like I just said, I asked and you guys answered. Though I do have some exceptions.
I think I will mainly focus on full releases but if there's ever a monthly or even smaller release that I think is enjoyable from start to finish then I won't hesitate to release it.
The biggest bit of feedback I received is that you guys want updates that let you get into the mindset of the game and experience a good bit of fun or whatever.
So my goal will be to always achieve that and it will just depend on the type of content.
And no more releases that cut off mid sente

(Days 10-14 coming late Feb / early March)

  How will you keep us informed on progress?

The second biggest bit of feedback I received is that communication is key, that you guys don't care if it takes time as long as the reason it's taking time is being communicated and you can know what to expect.

So, starting in the next mind drop I'll be bringing back the render count. (Only stopped because I wasn't tracking it over the holidays)
I'll also start using a progress bar both in these posts and in the "about the game" section where I'll track the progress of everything, not just the renders. (This will start after days 10-14 is released.)
I'll also do my usual where I just talk about how things are going and keep you guys informed that way.

  Other stuff:
Birthday render post including the renders for Rainn, Bailey, Yen, Red, Ivory, Elizabeth, Jamie, and Kimmy will be posted later tonight.

Client polls will continue on as a weekly thing.

Monthly render sets will finally start in February

All releases will be for tiers 1-4, though Tier 4 will get it first and it will cascade down to the following tiers every day or two after.

I will also announce a few new things as benefits for patrons, mainly for higher tiers, next week.

Okay, keeping this one as short as possible since I  don't want this info lost in other info so 😁
Thank you guys so much for believing in me and this project. I am so fucking grateful and I'm excited for the opportunity to prove you guys right.
I'm super pumped / amped / excited / anxious for this year. Days 10-14 will be a bit of a doozy but I'm excited to have it out there soon. And as soon as it is I'll be starting on days 15-21.
(Which would technically be days 30-36 with the week 1 redo turning into weeks 1-3 redo.)




Thank you for the update, it is appreciated when we know what is going on. The game is really great so far so I think most of us believe it is worth the investment, even if we have to wait for the release. (^.^)


I'll be checking Patrion like a hawk but take your time, the longer the wait the more satisfying the experience for us all.