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Okay, so I know it's never a great idea to let others decide how you're gonna do something and that's not what I'm doing here.
These times are also not promises. They're what I currently have planned as options.

The results of the prior poll were a little bit shocking to me. I receive many messages weekly where people exclaim they miss weeklys. So it was either a vocal minority or just players missing consistency. Which I understand.

I said in the mind drop I was going to release a small beta sized update just to get over a mental hurdle and that's still my plan currently.
But I am curious as to how you guys would handle it. I want you to answer completely honestly based solely on the game experience not on what you think is best for me.

For context. I've spent the last half year building up a backlog of renders. I've finished all the renders for Days 10-12 and almost all of 13 and 14. I've also made scenes that have been moved into later days.
(Same goes for animations and script. Most images are edited and ready, there's still bugtesting and tweaking lines which I always do. But it's mostly mental hurdles not work hurdles)
I did that because I knew a kid was coming and I wanted to be able to release while we got used to that whole thing... needless to say I didn't anticipate all the anxiety that came with it and the dread I'd feel anytime I'd even think about it. But I'm almost over that.

There's a second part to the poll. Something I've wondered about for a long time because I never wanted to have guilt fuel the poll.
I'm tacking on (pause pledges / dont) to these options just out of curiosity. It will not decide anything and once again I want you guys to answer honestly. I'm not broke, I can pause pledges no problem.
I am mainly curious to see how many are strictly here and support for game releases vs those that support for the bigger picture knowing I'm working despite the lack of releases recently.

No matter what I choose to do. The full Days 10-14 should be released late Feb / early March.
And if I choose to do the small beta release before the end of the month. I will also have the full day 10 release mid February and then the full days 10-14 after it.

(I will talk further about my plans regarding the last poll in the next mind drop. Thank you guys.)
(Once again sorry for notification spam. I'd turn them off for these if I could. I have the client poll later today and then I'll likely be silent until the next mind drop at least)



I don't know about anyone else, but one of the reasons I was (and still am) in a higher tier was for the more frequent updates. I don't know whether this poll takes into account the distribution of patrons into those boxes. It's easy to say that someone is fine to wait for larger releases when they would have had to anyways. That being said, something is better than nothing, although I sympathize with your situation and have never advocated pausing pledges.


Main reason i had a high tier before was to get more frequent updates and be able to play these when they released, but 3-4 months in betwen releases just aint doing that. Downgraded for that reason, still supporting you and i hope you pull through all your life struggles. Love the game and the content. Patience is certainly not my strong point.