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Hey guys, my fault for skipping the mind drop last week. I unfortunately have been sick recently and out of fear of spreading whatever I have to my wife or grandpa I've been staying in my friend's garage while he and his family are on vacation.
I've still been working I just really didn't feel like typing up an update when I was feeling down last week but here we are now so let's get into it. 😊

Game / Dev related stuff:

- These past 2 weeks haven't been as amazing as the weeks before but even though I've been sick and thrown way out of my comfort zone and schedule I still think I got a respectable amount of work done and I'm not gonna beat myself up about not accomplishing more.

Renders made these prior 2 weeks:

New - 114 renders and 0 animations
Week 1 redo - 102 renders and 0 animations
Renders per day - 15.4

Fell a whole 4.6 renders low of the everyday goal but I'm cutting myself a little slack, I was pretty damn sick and I have a very unideal setup in the garage and that 15.4 was the best I was able to accomplish.

Personal related stuff:

- I didn't end up playing Psychonauts 2 yet. I had some unexpected responsibilities on the weekend I was meant to play and then got sick. So I'll probably take a day when I'm back home to play it.

- I've been feeling better these past few days. I've taken quite a few covid tests and they've all came back negative and thankfully neither my wife or grandpa got sick so everything's went about as well as I could have hoped for and I'm very thankful.

- It's been pretty sucky, I miss my family and my own bed and spending my birthday alone in a garage while sick was definitely not ideal but I'm just so glad that it was only me that got sick and that whatever it was, it wasn't covid. If you remember last year me and my wife did get covid and my wife had it significantly worse with the symptoms than I did. We've all been vax'd since we were able to be but it was still a super scary situation that had me stressed the fuck out for over a week.
And I really can't be upset with the situation, these past 6 months or so have been nonstop positive for me. I'm in a great spot personally and I'm not gonna let this one singular setback have a larger effect than it needs to have.
I hope to be back home in a few days.

(And just as an aside. I mentioned being sick in the client poll earlier this week and got some weird ass comments from some anti-vax individuals. So just a heads up, any shit like that is gonna get you blocked real quick. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your body. I make a porn game, my uninformed opinion doesn't matter and neither does yours so keep that shit away from here please.) 😊

Upcoming content this week:

- This ever illusive monthly render set from last month will be released tomorrow. I apologize for the slides but for whatever reason I just haven't been able to finish it but I'mma power through it tonight.

- Birthday renders for Fyona and Purple will be later tonight, they're already made I just have to edit them a bit.

- Next client poll will be on this upcoming Tuesday and just to give on an update on the client, it's looking like she's going to be from Norway. So if you have any specific ideas for how a Norway client should be represented please let me know. 😁

Upcoming content this month:

- The render set for this month will be on the 22nd. And we'll have a poll on the 15th to decide what the topic of the render set will be.

- First beta?

I've been telling you guys that news on the next release will be coming soon and I guess that's what this is even if still a little vague.
I've decided to go light on the first beta release. It's only going to be 200 renders long.
(I've done much more than 200 renders but I stopped working linearly a while ago. Meaning I don't work in the same order of the story, for instance I've completely finished day 13 but still have a lot to do on day 11.)(And for those that don't know, the next "full release" is going to be days 10-14 and the days go by much quicker. Although day 10 is a bit longer just because of the exhibition game.)
The exhibition won't be featured in the first beta but it will be the last release without a basketball game lol

So when will that be?
Late Sept - Early Oct
Betas will be more common after this one as well.

I'll talk more about my decision making process on all of this next week because this mind drop is getting a little long. 😊

As always, thank you guys so much for everything. Couldn't do it without you.
Love you guys <3



Hope u all get better soon man


I hope you do get to feeling better soon and can rejoin your family. I still would suggest talking to a doc about getting an RSV test as that bug is going around and is worth checking out (i know several people that have found they have RSV vs covid and are much much relieved and that is only why i recommend that test :) It could also be stress eating at you and that I've had personally. what ever is the cause, get better i'll be here!


Sorry you got sick, but I'm glad you're feeling better. Don't push yourself and just get better.

Joshua Entrekin

Im concerned that you get sick alot.


I’m glad to hear you aren’t beating yourself up over this. In fact I’m impressed you got any work done at all. But your health should always come first, so I don’t think any of us would be disappointed if you took a week off to rest up.


I hope it's a nice garage at least. :)


It's pretty nice for a garage lol. It's detached from their actual house and has a little mini home gym that I've set everything up next to. It has it's own AC too so it's not as bad as it may sound when I just say garage.


Get Well soon bro


I don't know if I missed it but was the Q&amp;A posted?


Call it a "Carriage House"....much more elegant. :)

Alpha Protagonist

Don't worry bro i am a no Vaccine guy. So no worries just get better and continue with the awesome game. Also why did you have to make the MC's both Moms and Sister so damn hot.