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First off apologies for going ghost this week. I've been sick, had a covid scare, tested negative many times now but I'm still staying in a friend's garage while he's on vacation so I can stay away from my pregnant wife and grandpa until all of the symptoms are gone and another test. Which really sucks but it is what it is. Gonna drop the render set from last month and Fyona / Purple birthday renders either tomorrow or the day following.

With that out of the way; on to the poll.
I am still as ignorant as last week so if I fuck up anything just let me know.
I'm just listing the countries that were highlighted in the color map from last week.
Which one would you like this client to be from?


Wild Bill

Probably a good idea to avoid your grandpa just in case. I don't remember hearing anything about pregnant women being an at-risk group but that can't hurt either. Whatever it is you've got get well soon.


It depends on the trimester from the data I have seen, the mother wouldn't really be at higher risk but the baby could be. If the pregnancy is in the first trimester, getting sick with a virus like covid can cause a miscarriage. In the second trimester, the baby has a low risk of gaining an infection separate that of the mother's infection but, the baby will be given antibodies from the mother, which means that the baby would be born with natural immunity (which research has shown that t-cells are present in bone marrow for previously infected individuals which indicates that they will be long-lasting. It doesn't protect you 100% from reinfection but, means that your immune response to reinfection is much faster and the danger of repeat infection is significantly reduced.) In the third trimester, the baby can develop a separate infection apart from the mother and will not necessarily receive antibodies from the mother if the baby does not develop a separate infection.


Screw Norway! They killed our King! Sweden for Life!