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Europe won the continent poll which wasn't a huge surprise since it came in 2nd last time. The only real surprise was South America falling from 20% to 17%.
This is a way too early lock-in. But with how the clients have shaken out so far, the next one we do after this one will be from South America. But anyway, back to the current client.

Okay... so I'm gonna have to showcase my ignorance a bit.

I'm an American who has very little world knowledge. So I may go about things in the wrong way but it's not out of any malicious intent or anything, I'm just a bit ignorant when it comes to anything outside of my bubble. 😁
But hey, I'm willing to learn. 

So admittedly I had no clue how different regions were defined in Europe, so after a quick search I was led to a wiki article with this handy little image that we're going to use for the options for the poll. 


David Findlay

Just a comment. The CIA are out of date. The UK should no longer be classed as part of Europe. The one shown on saylordotorg.github.io is now more correct.

Winterlight Soul

As a Scotsman, I see too many redheads. A black-haired goth girl sounds good...a British goth girl with dragon tattoos!


Europe is a continent like America. UK is no longer a part of the EU (European Union), an economic union between European countries.