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Hope you're all doing well. It'll be a short and simple mind drop this week. 😁

Game / Dev related stuff:

- It's been another great week. I feel amazing about my productivity as well as where I am at in my personal life.
A few months back when I let you guys know I was moving across the country as well as some other things I knew my life would be hectic for a while. I also said many times then that the hecticness was a necessary evil to get to where I need to be personally as well as with WVM.

I can not stress enough how much simpler my life has become as a result of all that hectiness. I'd love to go into detail about how... but it's a bit too personal.
It's been awesome to see everything work out the way it has though. I'm so grateful for the life I get to live and I couldn't do it without all of you guys. 

Renders made this prior week:

New - 86 renders and 1 animation
Week 1 redo - 92 renders and 1 animation
Renders per day - 25.4

Personal related stuff:

- I haven't been taking any days off. I just haven't had a real reason to and I haven't had a day where I didn't feel like working. But... I'm going to take this weekend off.

My favorite video games have always been 3d platforming collectathons. To name my 3 favorite games of all time... Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, Super Mario 64, and Psychonauts.

Well... after a very long wait Psychonauts 2 came out on Wednesday. It's been 16 years since the first one came out and I backed the 2nd one on fig the day they announced it 5-ish years ago.
I haven't played it yet, I waited this long for it I figured I may as well wait until I can sit and play it through without any interruptions.

So yeah... gonna be taking this weekend to play it. 😁
(It's also free with game pass so you should try it out.)

Upcoming content this week:

- Monthly render set will be out on the 30th.
(Decided to make a smaller set while I work on figuring out how to handle the bigger sets. I just didn't want to go another month without a set. Oh, and this set might make a few people angry 😁)

- Fyona's birthday renders will also be on the 30th.

- New client poll on the 31st
(Alanah has been put on a temporary pause because she's in a good spot for now. So we're creating a new client who apparently will be from Europe. So this next poll will be narrowing down where exactly from in Europe.)

Okay, that's all for this week. 😎
Thank you guys so much for everything and I'll talk to you all soon.
Love you guys <3


The Curator

That Toy Story 2 game was the shit when I was a kid! Still have fond memories of it.




I'm glad life is treating you good! Hope lil drop is doing well and that life keeps getting better for you!

Matt Schulte

Hose are the eyes doing?

Portgas D. Luigi

I see Zoe and I start looking for a pen


I am shocked that you like platform games! LOL I never liked them, Now FPS in VR, watch-out!


Nice to hear you’re doing well physically and mentally. I’m definitely excited for the next update!


Glad to hear yr doing better and can't wait to see what u bring out next


Would love to see a client from Sweden or Norway


Dose any one know when the next update comes out