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"But wait? What about Alanah???"

She's not going anywhere. I feel like Alanah is in a good spot for now as there's still a while before she is implemented in the story. There will still be polls for her here and there because there's still things to figure out but for now I think it's time to start work on another girl.
(There may also be some additional discord only polls for Alanah that will focus on some of the tiny details about her. Such as some of her favorite things.)

"What about the tattoos poll?"

Well, I've been working on it and I just haven't been super thrilled with some of the results. Custom tattoos are a huge time sink to try and make them look right and it requires a lot of tinkering that I just haven't felt good enough with yet. I'm going to keep working at it but until I feel good enough with it then I figure it's best to start sculpting someone new.

All of the clients so far have had an additional role in the story
Anna = Lawyer, Keyana/Brit = Coach, Eden = side story with Hannah, Tali = converted out of being a client, and Alanah will transcend just being a client as well.
With this girl we'll be making... I want her to have her client side story and leave it at that. 

With that out of the way, we'll be starting out just like last time with Alanah except we'll be excluding Australia since it won last. (And also Antarctica)
What continent is she from?



You infringe on the rights of the indigenous people of Antarctica))

Crab Shack

Penguins rise up


Would love to see a cute little blonde haired, Blue eyed Sveedish girl or a red haired, Green eyed Irish lass...


I agree with redhead, tho I would prefer a redhead with blue eyes, its more seldom and I think it looks even prettier

Phillip Gosson

I think one green or one blue or brown and green or black and blue (nick name for MC only would be crazy eyes) and then she could give MC an nick name.


Love that there is actual variety with characters in this game which is why I'm shocked that South America isn't getting more love. Can we get some Latinas to mix things up?


No love for black women I see, maybe next time !

james theberge

Since the MC has already loved up 3 and just made the one he hasn't his girlfriend I don't think he's lacking in that department.

james theberge

I love me some Asians, I realize we already have like half a dozen or so but since the MC has only been with 1 of them...... He needs MORE!!!!!!.


I just realized "Asia" might be too big of a group here at least not specific. Where is the nuance between a lady with Indian heritage versus one with an east Asian ancestry... (adding an character with Indian roots would be neat)


I would have to vote for a red haired Irish or Scottish lass. Maybe a tall Scottish Highland lass someone that could slmost look MC in the eyes.


If shes gonna be a "Wee Scottish lassy", shes gotta be ginger as well then right?


If it’s anything like past polls. Whatever place wins it’ll get narrowed down a bit. For example maybe we’ll get a black British girl. Unlikely but the point remains.


Hi guys. Where can i find the link for the discord ?


I would like to see a nice Nubian princess.


Scottish/Irish redhead!


what about having MC give his girlfriends some sort of ring or tattoo or something to tell everyone they are his?