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'Sup everyone?
I hope you've all had a good week. Mine was a bit rocky but definitely on the up-and-up.
Sadly, there's not a lot to share this week but I have some ideas on how to expand these shorter mind drops. 

Game / Dev related stuff:

- After a couple turbulent weeks I'm back at home in my usual set up and I'm right back to my normal pace. Just continuing to grind away at days 10-14 and the week 1 remake.

Renders made this prior week:

New - 69 renders and 1 animation
Week 1 redo - 98 renders and 0 animations
Renders per day - 23.8

(Ayy, back above my 20 a day goal)

Personal related stuff:

- My little garage vacation was extended by a few days thanks to some nagging symptoms but I'm back at home and feeling like my usual self. 

- I still haven't gotten around to playing Psychonauts 2 yet. So my plan is to take this Sunday to play a bit. Well, most of Sunday anyway... I'm a Steelers fan so I have to watch them play as well. 😊

Ideas for shorter mind drops:

So, two birds one stone kind of situation. I've been meaning to make that Q&A post for months now but haven't gotten around to it for many reasons. One being the time it takes so hey, I can slowly answer them in these posts and compile them together at a later date.

The other idea being bringing back the polls about random stuff in these.

Question of the week:


You've been a successful creator and you've had your fair share of personal issues that have slowed the development of WVM. Do you have any plans to hire any help? 


This is a question I've received a lot and I've answered it a few times but never really in depth and my answer has changed a few times.
I don't want to say never. There is a chance that one day I hire on someone to help out with certain things but that's not currently something I'm considering.

I'm young, still in my early 20's. But before I started making WVM I had a few jobs and I had worked my way into 'lead' roles where it was my job to manage others and to delegate tasks. I HATED it. It's just not who I am or like to do.
I was 18 years old telling men in their 40s and 50s what to do. But the entire reason I ended up in a lead role is because I was the guy busting my ass to finish my shit so I could help everyone else out so they could have an easier night.
So I'd go easy on everyone and I'd end up leaving a mountain of work for myself and I'd get taken advantage of because I was young and dumb and working way too hard for no reason.

I'm a doer not a delegator.
And then there's an issue of actually finding someone you trust to consistently get the job done and with whatever else. Which is it's own entire conundrum.

And then there's the issue of me feeling responsible for someone else's income. If I'm going through something and need to pause pledges then I can just do it. Because I know my own situation but if I was paying someone else then things become a lot more complicated because they will probably rely on that payment. 

There's also certain things that I don't want anyone else to do.
That includes writing the script as well as anything to do with renders.
So that pretty much leaves programming, editing, and compiling. Which I've wavered on hiring someone for these things before but have never pulled the trigger for all of the reasons stated above.

So at almost every facet I have an issue. And it quickly becomes not worth it to me and my own personal situation.
And finally there's the fact that I make WVM for me. It's my hobby, it's what I enjoy doing. It's my job but I love that it doesn't feel like a job. I'm scared adding another into that mix could ruin some of that for me.

I hope that's a sufficient answer. 😁

That's all for this week. Should have more to say progress wise next week.
As always thank you all so much for everything.
Love you guys <3

Poll of the week:

Are you in favor or against me adding a total progress update?

What I mean by that is essentially I'd be adding a percentage that indicates how far along on the update I am. It gives a clearer idea about time until an update than a simple render count does.
(Though the percentage is subject to change. One week it could be 60% and the next it could be 55% solely because I decided to add a scene somewhere.)



I'm not going to pick an answer to the poll on the grounds of, "I want you to do what you feel is best for you."

Derp McDerp

I'm against it. I don't need it, and on the esoteric end, I think turning your art into a math problem is not the best as it could have unintended consequences. Just my two cents


I was pretty excited to see that my favorite game creator on Patreon is also a fan of my favorite football team! I live about a half hour outside of Pittsburgh and I've been to a number of Steelers games over the last decade plus (I'm more of a hockey fan though, so way more Penguins games than Steelers games), but it's still cool to see that you're a fan of the black and gold!


clarification of my answer. I think that it is a good thing to add it. On the premise that it's bigger % E.g 25% 50% 75% I think that is the most imporant so people have a rough idea where you are up to (they don't need to know exactly where you at) However I think it would be nice to know a more accurate % for the week 1 remake since that's mostly set in stone already (a few scenes here and there wouldn't change the % too much) Especially since it's been in progress for so long I know I'm curious how close it is as I've been holding out on a replay specifically for it :D


Progress meters aren't bad as a general indicator, but we shouldn't rely on it. The drop date announcement is about the only progress meter that really matters. Anyways, good to hear that your banishment has been lifted. The tribe will feast!


I know what you mean about being a "do'er" I was the top mech at a auto part factory I hated the paperwork and the roughneck attitudes the guys had when they wanted to laze about... one asked me if I was trying to make them look bad I replied "I'm not TRYING anything!" lol. Progress meters are nice but if it adds too much to your workload don't worry about it we'll be happy with the results either way


Just keep this in mind: I worked so hard for so long I was forced due to failing health to retire way too soon at 56 I'll be 62 in 3 months... just sayin'

David Curry

I’m for status updates. It’s professional. It keeps people in the loop. It helps keep the creator accountable to self and patrons, which is encouraging. It also helps to maintain healthy expectations. You don’t have to do any more than what you’re doing, just keep up what you’ve been doing. :)


Hi BD, just wanted to say that I understand your position in the hiring someone else thing. I find myself too in a manager role where I tell people what to do and help them when they dont know how and me just like you, would rather do. And then the whole thing that I cant relate that much, that is having something such a personal project like VWM, I would find it very difficulf to trust it to someone else.


I also been a doer. It was only once when I had a big simulation project of a bleaching plant that I just must give up some of my work for a guy that could work parttime with that and parttime being an enviromental engineer. But he sat in my office so I could keep a close eye on him! :D Maybe that was why I 3 times "went into the wall" as we say in Sweden. Well, one time I really ran.


Also, about the progress %, I think it's a great idea. I have implemented it in my personal projects after being exposed to it at work and I must say it's great to put into quantitative value all the work done. I think it will provide great value, especially for you. For us I dont mind it too much because I want the next update out when its really ready no matter how long it takes. TLDR; We love you BD and keep on the great work!♥️


But as a retiree now I feel really good and when it comes to age I just can say that I will change my username to Dick69 in 13 days. At least for a year. :) So do what you can and if the progress meter takes too much time just skip it. Even if I voted to have one.


One thing, if it's making more work for yourself or slowing your work then I would say forget it. This game is enough work for one person and you don't need to add to the workload or add any stress.


Hey Brain! I know where you are coming from as I myself have been in your shoes! However I do believe that if you look for a person to do the programming, editing, and compiling. It will help take a bit of stress off you as all that they are doing is what you want them too do! Also you can state before they are hired that there can and will be times that the pay might not be there? I am sure that it might take you a few people you might go through before you find the right one that you click with, but once you do you will run like a well oiled machine! I know that when I was younger that I also felt, I should do stuff myself so that I know it is done right! However as time went on I needed more help to do the things I was able to do myself before! Yes you are still young, but it is also smart to get help even when you do not think you need it, because once you have the right person to help you everything will flow so much easer! Do like I did and let them know upfront what you expect and how you want it done! And in less then one month you should be both on the same page and hit the ground running at full speed! If I had done this so much sooner then I might still be able to work, as my body broke down so much faster then I had expected it to! Now I am totally disabled and am unable to hold a job that I am qualified for! As for me I had always worked in the physical field, management position was something I tried hard to avoid! I had been asked many times to be a teem lead or a supervisor, I tried it once and did not like how things went as well as how others treated you even after you worked right along side of them!


I say "No" to the percentage progress. You're just adding another task to your plate, and giving people who like to complain another chance to gripe about something. You have your own goals and objectives. That's enough.


Hi I say yes and I am glad you are feeling better. Yes is because when you give the renders count and stuff it nice to know how far along the next update is coming I am going for 62 and I like to see how far along these things are in percentage wise I know that some times it will go up and down but an over all knowledge of this to me gives me and I am sure others an idea of how sometimes some areas of the prosses goes well that is my take and thanks for the story so far I really like how it is going and good work

Winterlight Soul

So...just thought I would throw in my tuppence-worth! The scene with Katie looks unreal


Have you ever thought about finding a fan/Patron that would be willing to volunteer to help out? If they have a relevant skill set maybe you can find somebody to help you out a few hours a week.


Glad to her your back home and doing well. As to the "Progress" idea I say DON'T. The last update was about X time now X time OK final delay, sorry one more. Which I feel is what soured many people having a progress that bounces back and forth or does not move is in essence the same thing just packaged differently. I get people are impatient and will admit I would love to see something sooner than later myself but trying to appease them with something you have shown your bad at is not the right way. Sorry I love your game and respect your dedication to what quality you want to put out, that however is at odds with tentative and hard dates. It will put bad pressure back on you and have people expecting things when they shouldn't. Continue to do your thing and we can wait, putting yourself into stress WILL cause problems for yourself mentally / physically health wise which will delay you further and add to the stress causing a cycle. I want you healthy so I get my next update faster :P


Please take this advise to heart - learn to delegate. Learn how to find graphical and artistic talent, then learn to train them to do what you do. You will drive yourself crazy and burn out at the rate you are going. Do it. And do it yesterday.

Alpha Protagonist

Just finished the last update. Awesome story, to get back his biological family and childhood BF. Just really hope the MC plays in the exhibition game. For that shit talking on the TV. Also between Shauna, Jamie, Zoe, so many cute girls. Also Veronica and Harper, who i hope we get a nice sex scene with in the future.