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It's been a weird week and today was supposed to be the day for the monthly render set but I've had a bit of an unfortunate situation play out. I mentioned a few weeks back that I had a leak in my main PC's water-cooling loop and my 2nd 3090 got soaked. I was able to troubleshoot and get things working but it was only a temporary fix as now the bottom card is likely dead.
Hope isn't completely dead for it as I still have some things to try but it's not looking good. But anyway, my main machine is taken apart at the moment and I still had around 6 renders to make for the set.
So the set will probably be out either tomorrow or Saturday but in its place is the mind drop!😁 


I do not plan on pausing pledges this month.  It feels pretty taboo for me not to pause when I don't have a release but I've mentioned it many times that I'm trying something new with the update schedule. So please, update your pledges accordingly to make sure you're not paying for something that you do not currently want.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- With the issue with the GPU I've been thinking it's time to beef up my older machine. I think I'm done with water-cooling for the moment. I needed it when I was in the tiny room but now that heat isn't an issue I can just run them with the air coolers.

- I've been putting a pretty significant amount of my free time into learning Blender, still super new but learning quickly 😁

- Character sheets will be updated very soon

Renders made this prior week:

New - 57 renders and 1 animation
Week 1 redo - 63 renders and 0 animations
(Hasn't been a full week since the last mind drop and have also been dealing with the dead GPU so productivity took a bit of a dip this week but I still managed to hit my daily goal of 20 renders)
(I may also start tracking some of my progress in blender in these)

Personal related stuff:

- I'm mostly out of the funk I mentioned I was in last week. So Q&A post very soon. (If you have any last second questions for it, feel free to ask!)

- Pretty boring week full of the usual stuff. So not much to say in that regard. 😊
Just a whole bunch of rendering and watching stuff on blender and when I'm not doing that I've just been chillin' with family.

So yeah, that's all I have to share with you guys this week.
Some of the more fun stuff starts soon so I'm looking forward to that.
Once again, thank you all for everything. I live such a lucky and fulfilling life where I'm able to share my own creation with you all. I don't take a single bit of it for granted and I'm so thankful for each and every single one of you. I hope to keep improving and making you guys proud. 😁
Love you guys <3



Just finished the latest day awesome! Thanks for your work


Take your time and thanks for the update.

Sol The Destroyer

Glad you are beginning to come out of your funk. Sorry to hear you are still having issues with the water cooling system. We all know that your work has been stellar and when the next episode is released it will be just as good. Hang in there and we are all behind you bud.


I think as long as it doesn't take you 2 years to release 400 renders than no one can complain.

Jon Brosseau

Can't wait for the next update!


Watercooling is still not bad, but you are better off buying a fixed loop system inatead of building your own. Still has some risk but it is much lower.


Thanks for the update, here is hoping the card is not dead. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Just keep us updated, and we will continue to support you.


Cooling is always tricky I ran into it many times running a W.O.W. server I even considered using a mini fridge to house the components LOL bad idea I know but I was sick of frying CPUs during the evening rush and no they don't taste good with BBQ sauce LMBO

Jürgen Kellner

I´m fully agree with this. Take care of your healthy and your family. This is much mor important than everything!


Hey, BD. Quick question, you may have already answered this in one of your Mind Drops and i may have missed it. I was wondering if you had plans to add a scene replay gallery? if its a possible feature you add or not. I dont know if its in your forte of coding, or if its a coding nightmare to do. just curious. Keep up the fantastic work


Hey BD, I know it's early for an answer to this question as you just completed a pretty big update to the game but, How big is the next update going to be? Will it be smaller than the last one or the same size? And how long are you going to be carrying the story for? Like will you do the full year day by day of the MC life, or will there be jumps of say like example we finish day 9 then it'll appear saying "Skip the next day" and then carry on after the game?

james theberge

I think he has said after day 12 it will start jumping by weeks to go with the pregnancy... If I remember correctly.

james theberge

Listen BD there will always be a dozen little things slowing you down aggravating you to near insanity. Don't let them get you down you will always have the support of the patrons that "truly" believe in what you are doing... Hell I'm pretty sure if you asked we would all send you enough pieces of tech, so you build 2 more pc's. Either way once you get thing all working together again you will find your groove and just pop out those renders at a pace that makes you happy.


Can't rush perfection learned that coding updates granted 16 hrs of debugging and testing makes it hard but can't beat that feeling once it's done right