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Remember this chick? No? Yes?
Well, it's been a few months... so in case you don't remember this is Alanah! Rachael's newest client for the MC.
Through polls here on patreon you've guys have helped me make her.

She is a 6'4" (193cm) 26 year old oceanic woman who's a personal trainer and her main interest is volleyball (and some martial arts).
This week's poll is simple. Serves as another re-introduction to Alanah and these polls. Next week's will be spicier and will be about tattoos.

But for this week, choose her eye color.

A: Black

B: Dark Brown

C: Brown 

D: Light Brown

(As always, no complaining about which option is winning in the comments.)

See you guys on Thursday for the monthly render set that will feature Alanah 😁(For tier 2 and above)
And on Friday for the Mind drop.
Love you guys <3


Phillip Gosson

Alright lets get into the meat and potatoes what size is the rack, only kidding it is good to see you getting back to normal BD hope the honey moon went well and your wife is doing well( I 'll be hoping for twins ) ;)


She looks amazing, keep up that great character design!