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Apologies for going ghost for the past week or so. I've been in a weird funk where I just haven't felt like speaking out much. I've just been vibing and working.
Everything is absolutely fine, I for some reason have only felt like chilling at home and working on the game. Which is also why I haven't finished typing out the Q&A yet... but that'll be done shortly. I'm getting out of the funk.

I want to get back to the original format a bit with these.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- The Bailey scene that was missing from the update is finished but the 2nd scene in the pool hasn't been finished quite yet. (It's a hard scene to make and render but I've been working on it off and on and it'll be done soon)

- I've been running all 3 of my PCs for the first time in a long time. Finally got the 3rd fixed and the current set up is that the main machine works on the new content, 2nd works on the week 1 redo, and the 3rd is solely for animations and/or variant renders. (such as female/trans renders)

- Monthly render set dropping on the 29th (This set is a bit strange but that's how I like to make them sometimes, it'll also be in 4K)

- Alanah polls return on Monday / Tuesday (Not sure which day I want to pick for them yet, they might be an either/or kind of thing.)

- Birthday renders will start in August. (Bday renders are just singular 4K more pin-up style renders of characters on their birthdays.) (I may include Stacy's )
(Renders are usually not directly birthday related because thinking about it... that would get old fast)

Renders made this prior week:

New - 95 renders and 2 animations
Week 1 redo - 88 renders and 1 animation

Like I said last week, I've changed the split in work to closer to 50/50.
183 renders total in a week, my goal is 20 a day and I averaged 26 so I'm feeling decent with that but there's always room to work more efficiently.

Personal related stuff:

- Life has actually been calm recently. Things were so hectic for a while that I forgot what it was like to just relax and get shit done. It feels good to be back to the usual.

- I think I've mentioned it but I've started having a sort of planned out "work week". Meaning I have a schedule I abide by. I won't speak in specifics because I think it's strange if everyone knows what I'm doing at a certain time of day. But it essentially boils down to 10-12 hours of work a day, with 1 hour dedicated to the parts that I let slide sometimes like editing photos and getting things that are finished compiled together. And then I spend the rest of my day with the wifey and gramps or spend it playing games with friends or something fun. I also have been taking 1 day off every week but I think going forward that will be a more "if I need it" sort of thing than something that I plan out.

I believe that's all I have to share for now. 😁
Once again sorry for the disappearing act. I get this way sometimes and there's no real rhyme or reason but we'll be back on the usual content stream from here on.

And as always thank you all so much for supporting me through this. Started this off as a complete amateur and you all have been here helping me progress through it all. We've come a long way and we're going to keep improving.
Thank you all so much for everything,

Love you guys <3



Be sure to take that day off even if you don't feel that you need it. You can build up a reserve that way and it won't be so easy to get close to burnout. And your family and close friends will like you better. You won't be such a bear to deal with. LOL Thank you for your great dedication and work ethic.

james theberge

Happy to hear the funk is leaving, but I think I speak for most of us when I say, even on your worst day you give us more, and better stuff then other dev's on their best. So you just keep doing what you're doing, find your groove and amaze us when "YOU" are ready.


Man we all get that way, dont worry thanks as always for the work

Sol The Destroyer

Great to hear the funk is beginning to go and things are getting back on track for you. I completely second what James theberge said- " even on your worst day you give us more, and better stuff then other dev's on their best". We are all rooting for you bud.

Dreamlab Studio

It's great to hear that you are finally having some relaxed time without too much stress. It reminds me of that old supposed Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times." On the surface "interesting times" may sound cool but it usually means trouble, stress and illness. Everybody can use some nice, peaceful and boring times in their life. :D


Do what's right for you man. Thanks for giving us updates on your current situation and I'm keen to see what the payoff is to your hard work ❤️


Thanks update on your progress 👍


What's the fix for animations not playing?


Thanks for all the hard work and I love your game can't wait to see where it goes. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with jasmine( my favorite one so far lol)


Mate, your loyalty towards pleasing us is literally unbelievable, it's insane how you want to spend that much time of your life just so we can enjoy ourselves with your amazing game, I'll be honest I've watched a few adult game walkthroughs but this game has got me hooked like a drug, to the point where qi bought my very own laptop just to play it as my phone was acting up with the new update. It's insane how much time you spend to please us and I'm eternally grateful, I'm sorry for everything bad that's happened in your life but I'm glad it's getting better, but if I were you I'd make more space for you and your family, as much as I'd want to play this game and see how the basketball game goes, family is, above all else. You are amazing, good luck mate.


Remember to rest your eyes as much as possible. We love to play your masterpiece but we want you healthy. Remember, happy wife happy life and thanks for all your hard work.


is this currently playable or is this just more a less an update of progress towards something that will be playable