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'Sup 'Sup
It's been a strange week (and a half). I mentioned in the last mind drop that I was having issues with one of my custom loop water-cooled PCs. Well... that issue led me to leap on the decision to convert all 3 of my PCs back to air cooling only. That process was admittedly much more time consuming than I thought it would be.
I made an oopsie and assumed that all of the parts I ordered would arrive on time and disassembled each computer only to then have to deal with multiple shipping delays.
So yeah, my schedule and productivity was kind of fucked up but we're back. All 3 computers were converted and I no longer have to deal with the stress and dread that one tiny leak could fry an entire system at any moment.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- Lots of stuff to post this week and lots of work to make up (talked more about below)

- Wasn't able to render much this week as all of my computers were taken apart but I got a lot of organization work done as well as made both physical and digital backups of everything

Renders made this prior week:

New - 26 renders and 0 animations
Week 1 redo - 31 renders and 0 animations
(Very unimpressive and unfulfilling numbers but I was productive in other ways this week and I'll do my best to make up for the missed render time)

Personal related stuff:

- I'm still in a bit of the mental funk where I don't really want to talk about myself or my life or anything like that. I've still just been spending time with my wife and grandpa and I've been enjoying it 😁

Upcoming content:

- Updated character sheet - next few days

- Q&A - whenever my mental funk is over

- Alanah's next poll - next few days

- Birthday renders - On girl's birthdays
(This month has birthdays for Vanessa - 1st, Willabelle - 7th, Keyana - 13th, Mackenzie - 17th, and Fyona 30th) (Also Dubaku and Charles but I don't plan on doing any renders for them 😁)
(Talked more about below)

- Monthly render set - soon
(Talked more about below)

- First beta?

(Talked more about below) section:

Birthday renders

These are usually only posted in a discord channel and for tiers 1 and above only.
They won't ever really be birthday related... more so just a render of the girl in 4k. Sometimes it'll be a sexy render and sometimes it'll be a casual render.
I quickly threw together an example with Vanessa, although this likely isn't her actual birthday render.
(Full res in discord)

Montly render sets
Been a bit stuck thinking about how I want to handle the monthly render sets.
If you've been around for a while you might remember me talking about a "Day in the life" sort of render sets in the past where it'd be one of the characters and you'd go through a day in their life through their pov. You'll also remember how I wanted it to be a sort of game of its own where you'd launch it and be able to choose the scene you wanted to play and have them all compiled there.
Well... I think that's how I want to handle all monthly sets and "day in the life" sets. So there's some stuff for me to figure out but I think it's by far the best long term option.

And I'll also have polls for most of the sets so you'll get to decide the topics for most of them.

First beta
I've purposely been stingy with update news. Mostly out of caution so I don't fall into some of the issues I've had in the past. And I never plan to give exact release dates ever again or even exact sizes of updates even if it isn't an official release and just a beta.
But at the same time I don't want to leave you all completely in the dark so I'll say that I've been working on a private release plan. Not only for the upcoming beta but for everything. It's still a work in progress and I'll have a lot more to share soon. There's been a lot to work out, I'm not sure exactly how large the beta builds should be or how to space them out. But I have a general idea of how I want to handle things.
And I'll have more to share next week with more concrete info. 😊

Okay, that's all I have for this week. 😁
Tons of upcoming stuff, so I should get back to work.
Thank you all so much for everything. I hope you're all doing well.
Love you guys <3



Nice keep up the good hardwork and be sure to take break when you need them


What air coolers did you switch them to?

james theberge

Don't you worry about us BD the true believers in the story you're telling will always understand thing do sometimes go wrong, sometimes personally or technologically so if it takes longer than you thought, or we would like thats the nature of the business, those who are only in it for a quick fa

james theberge

"Fap" may give you grief but we know better so keep doing what you think is best and we will keep giving you the encouragement you deserve.


I bet your workstation setup looks sick!

Matt Schulte

I've never been brave enough to use water for exactly that reason.

cameronhoodman .

Take care of yourself my guy can't wait to see the awesome work


Thought about water cooler as my apartment have a temperature of 34°C (93°F) but never dared. (Penthouse doesn't necessarily mean anything fancy). Still my CPU complains a lot of overheat, that alarm is so offensive. What kind of air cooler do you recommend? Just now I have an external fan to help.


Cmon, man, now I want Charles bday renders


I test water versus a cooling tower and went with the tower because it cooled just as good, took less room, used less power and no leek risk. With editing software and Destiny 2 running my main comp maxes at 77c. Spent time with your grandfather and wife. Remember a happy wife equals a happy life, because if she isn't happy, nobody is happy.


That depends on how much space you have in your PC case, what your CPU is, what cooler you have now, and how much money you have to spend. Airflow through your case might also be a factor: if the flow is bad, getting a new cooler won't help you. Its also possible that just replacing the thermal paste on your CPU would improve your existing cooler's performance. And - just in case you haven't done this already - cleaning dust out of your cooler, fans, case dust filters, etc will help as well.

Wild Bill

Like him passed out drunk over his desk drooling on it? That *would* be pretty funny.


after 36 yrs of marriage, this old man can totally agree lol


only problem I've had with water is dust in the heat exchanger it's a pros and cons situation


After 3 divorces I don't give any marriage advices. :D Trying my luck next year, marriage in the end of January/beginning of February. We gotta prove that none of us is married, 4 weeks paper work at least and my wife-to-be moves to Sweden in the end of December.