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Really didn't want to make a post until the update is done as I'm sure there are people that will see that there was a new post and get hype that it was the update only for it to be an update on the update. But I didn't want to seem like I was ghosting either.

Sadly there isn't much to update on exactly. Update is close and I'm still grinding away on it, I just need more time.
Not trying to make excuses but it's been a rough few weeks where I've dealt with multiple PC issues (PSUs are lame) as well as a slight setback with my eyes. (nothing too bad though, just a few days of pain because I took one day off to have a cookout at my new place with friends / family and I spent a little too long in the sun. Though I'm not sure if it was because of the sun or allergies, but either way they're better now)

I don't want this to be a completely devoid post so I'll include something I didn't plan on making a big deal about.
This update will be the largest one I've ever put out. (previously mentioned it was north of 1k) but it's 1500+ renders and 30+ animations. I fudged some of the earlier numbers so it would be a surprise and I've also added a few scenes.
I don't remember exact numbers but I believe the previous largest update I put out was the 1200 render update for the end of day 7.  

So yeah, I'm pumped for the release and I promise it will be out ASAP. No exact date but just continue to check around 7pm EST, if it isn't out then know in that moment I'm working away at it and check again the next day. 😊

(Also there are many posts planned for after the release. Such as polls for fav girl in Days 8-9, client polls, monthly render set, FAQ, detailed plan for the future, etc)

Sorry for the lacking and somewhat low effort post. Just wanted to let you guys know what's up.
The wait is almost over, though I know these posts can cause some anxiousness. So I'll drop my usual promise that I will pause pledges again if the update isn't out in a reasonable timeframe from now as well as the other stuff I've promised this month. 😊

Thank you guys so much for the support and your patience. This will be the last post until the update (for real this time).
I'll talk to you all soon. Love you guys. <3



This update bout to be 👌👌


Can't wait to dive into this update. Time to start another play through I think.


Hey man take the time you need. Sure we are excited for the update, but I would rather you be happy with it then for you to rush it. Looking forward to the pool party.


glad your eyes are doing better but damn this update is gonna be lit

Karolis Kupetys

Damn 1500+ thats gonna be BIG one :D


This image and the banner are magical.

Juan Vasquez

This is getting ridiculous. If it continues, I'm going to cancel my subscription. And I suggest others do the same. I've already cut off 4 subscriptions for doing similar stuff.


Talking about canceling but BD hasn't even charged for the last 2 months...

james theberge

Waiting for this coming update, I've been play through all my fave VNs from the beginning and realized you just don't remember everything when you wait a month to a few months between updates, so with the changes to week 1 hopefully my brain won't explode.


I rather be patient by waiting for a good game and story then something that rushed with many errors and problems. So take your time and look after your well being that is what's important. Also I can't wait on the next update.


Sorry to hear about the setbacks but glad to hear you're doing better now. Really looking forward to the update, its gonna be a great one!


It's a bit sad.. i was looking every day after the last minddrop for the update... :( BUT i understand you. and i hope that you are doing better.!


I'm of two thoughts, one I want it as fast as possible, but then I do really enjoy the game and that part says take whatever time you need to make yourself happy with it. So take care of yourself and do what you can when you can. You update, keep us informed and deliver far more content than to most other devs.

Phillip Gosson

Take your time (and yes pc are a pain in the ass)Just put in 5900x so yeah understand and your health my friend take care of it we can wait,(but not to long).


After replaying and adding Jasmine to the harem.... Can't wait.


yes take your time i know all about pc problems as mine keeps resetting where to look for the OS hard drive lol this STORY IS WELL WORTH THE WAIT :D :D

Dipper Pines

Glad your eyes are doing better, for the most part, and hope they will continue to keep getting better. I want to say that I'm here for the long haul, you're game is amazing and you are one of the best Dev's out there in terms of communicating what is happening. As others have talked about above, when you don't feel like your living up to your end of the deal you pause donations. You are literally the only dev I have been subscribed to who has done that. So thanks. I do have an honest question though, seriously not criticizing in any way. You mentioned that you added some scenes, I'm assuming that means they weren't originally planned for this update. My question is when you add scenes to an update like that, that is already delayed, isn't is making the delay longer? Again, just an honest question I had after reading your update post. Thanks for you great work and I can't wait for the new update.

cameronhoodman .

Family time is important my guy, just be safe and well. The update will come no rush its all good


Man update can wait, your health comes first


I have no problem waiting, better wait bit longer then rush it ”just bsc” and health are always most important


Don't worry about taking longer than you expected, shit happens in everyones life, besides I know this update will be worth the wait


Shut up and take my money 💰!


All is good, all is fine, we can wait as long as we need, to get next update. But there is one important question i need to ask : WHERE IS THE FROG????


Take your time, don't rush it. 👍

Thomas J

Great game, the only thing missing for me is music to bring the scenes alive :)


It's good to take a day off with friends to recharge batteries. Take your time.

Nathan Blanchard

Has there been a new update since 9.4??


maybe you should just finish what you have so far instead of adding more and more story it will only push you back further.


On my opinion you don´t need to pause the pledges because you do a shitload of work all this time.


No payment pause necessary imo

james theberge

Ok BD you've heard from so many you don't need to pause the pledges, so you just do what you feel is right just remember we all love the quality content you've always dropped on us so take your time do it right and give us your best as always.

james theberge

But if its not asking to much, with the exception of one VERY lucky pen only the MCs T-girls have given up the chocolate starfish this must change WHO'S WITH ME??!!

james theberge

Just wanted to say you are so right as far as Dev's go BD is head &amp; shoulders above the others. With the exception of the past few months for health reasons he had always been consistent with his updates and drops.... For a VN with this level of quality plus storyline with arcs DAMN.


I very much agree, but Jamie hinted she's up for it at the butt plug reveal.......so fingers crossed


I don't know if you have anything planned with Skye? but I'd really like something to develop there, he did say he was attracted to personality traits.....and anyway if you can have a girlfriend with a cock, why not a boyfriend with a vagina

Joshua Entrekin

No offense but Skye looks like my HS girlfriend, Short cute haircut and big tits. I can appreciate what she is supposed to be, that said, i'd still make her mine as that is not what i see. She's a tall hot chick!


Skye should absolutely be one of the "girlfriend" possibilities. hot + toned to that degree is always a win.


Damn I was hoping today would be the day. Nice start to my weekend.


When it's ready?


1500 renders.. your computer is going to kill you in your sleep 🤣

james theberge

Hot + Toned, hell with giant Man thighs like his it more Hot + Scary, think Dolph Lundgren "I must crush you" is it wrong I find that kind of hot... Hope the MC does too.


are you going to finish Melody and DmD any time soon?????


Wrong developer. Think you'r looking for MrDots Games on Subscribestar.